Breakfast: The Return
His precious girl would never be permitted to play sports.
To even think about future romantic partners for an infant is super creepy. And here I thought the toddlers-in-love was yuck
Maybe a Dick Tracy one?
I’m generally not in favor of calling CPS, but I can make an exception when it’s this obvious that a child is in danger.
Jesus, get that kid out of that house. That’s abuse!
Good Lord, what a perverted view of fatherhood! (Declaring a 4 mo baby “a woman” is absolutely disturbing as fuck as well!) Of course, from a party that views women’s bodies as the property of whatever male currently “owns” them, it is right on par. And I hate it. A whole fucking lot.
Plot twist: daughter comes out as a lesbian at age 15. Andrew finally grows out of boyhood in year 2047.
Right? Same folks whose most prevalent conspiracy theory right now is that Democrats are a “cabal of pedophiles”.
TFG’s entire game was projection & gaslighting–he went back to that well every single time he needed to defend some shady thing he was up to in office.
There’s nothing right about anything he said. I fully agree…time to call CPS.
Lest anyone have come late to the party:
25:43 for Andrew Antics.
And the SNL parody:
Bizarre I know - but has Giuliani jnr. actually out-sleazed his daddy?
And more specifically: “Teh gayz/tranz are obsessed with our children’s genitals (and grooming them for inappropriate relationships)!” It’s them - they’re talking about themselves.
Well, that Jovian divine pronouncement is not the least bit creepy.
I suspect he is in for a rude shock long before she hits twenty five, or at least I sure hope so.
I wonder if Mom would be a son’s only girlfriend until 25. But of course the standards are not the same, right? Gotta show some wild oats and boys will be boys wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
You’d think the Christian Right and the Taliban would get along better, they have so much in common.
Going along with the ‘contract’ idea, ain’t no judge going to argue that a 4 month old kidling could legally ‘agree’ to anything. Papa is crazy-nuts-inna-head!
I seriously doubt your prediction.
I mean, statistically, what’s the chance of that actually happening?
Not the lesbian part… the whole thing about Andrew growing out of boyhood at some point in the future.
(also, not boyhood. I distinctly do not remember being a creepy pedo as a boy. Pretty sure my friends who were boys weren’t either.)
He may have made a prediction there. It would be so sweet if his daughter turns out to be lesbian and becomes an international activist/spokesperson for LGBTQ rights. Sweet!
someone call the Creep Police
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