Andrew Tate: men who have recreational sex with women are actually gay

Are you saying that he rapes women because he’s gay?


I mean he traffics girls into prostitution and sells this as some kind of harem fantasy to young men. The guys who admire him seem to be his real audience and are likely the ones he’s made the most money off of. They are most likely the ones keeping his fucked up “identity” afloat too. Even if he is gay or bi or even ace… that just means that Andrew Tate is an equal opportunity groomer/pedophile with some slight preference of victim. I think this is the case, personally.

In addition people really don’t seem to understand what a great cover misogyny and heteronormative power structures are for this kind of abuse very well. Often in that kind of a structure the realization of just how abused and isolated young men get kind of gets lost in the whole miserable landslide of awful. And when it does get acknowledged it’s almost always manifested through knee-jerk homophobia and bigotry rather than any kind of realistic look at the way we systemically enable abusers.

It also isn’t that far off to get to the whole forced breeding mindset once you are already at the “forcing people into slavery is a good natural thing” stage of POSism… and he is a terminal POS.

So it’s weird but yeah he could be any orientation really… rape isn’t about love and attraction after all and forcing people into sex work through sustained abuse and trauma is even less so.

I think Andrew Tate’s kink is using children to abuse other children.

A misogynistic love song to set the mood. Remember for most straight women… some if not all of the men we take inside us will never believe we are real.


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