Originally published at: Anna Paulina LunaI is the new George Santos | Boing Boing
Anna Paulina LunaI is the new George Santos
Sheesh, doesn’t he have enough fake names already?
What was long just assumed is now confirmed: the Republican Party is the official home for pathological liars.
Non-paywall link to WaPo article: https://archive.is/3cf44
Book of trumpians epistle 23: “Lies have no consequences. If you can recall that what you’ve just said is a lie then you aren’t lying fast enough, and the orange spirit shall depart from you, selah.”
(Nice touch!)
“Это чертовски просто” (“It’s just too damn easy!”)
I’m surprised it has taken this long for Santos to be linked to Florida (even tangentially) - the two/three/four/n of them seem so well made for one another.
Hmm, it’s almost as if the modern Republican party attracts such people - and then doesn’t care that they take up positions within it.
Even if she was raised as a Messianic, she still wouldn’t have been practicing Judaism in any form, just sayin’.
Narrator: It didn’t.
These people put Jon Lovitz to shame.
I think it’s just that the way congress is set up is designed to attract grifters. There may still be Republicans who have some notion they represent a set of values (however misguided those values are) to a slice of the public, but increasingly it’s people who see they can set themselves up for life by being in congress, and they will do whatever it takes to get there.
Can we start a reality TV series that pays slightly better than Congress, so these glory groveling idiots can get their gratification from that, instead of faking being legislators?
Luna enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, where she served as an airfield manager at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri and then in Florida.[2] (Wikipedia)
Is this the standard airfield manager uniform?
Look, no ding on anyone’s looks, but she does have the same glasses and the same mouth lines as him. Have we truly confirmed it isn’t Santos?
Look, there’s a simple explanation. Anna Paulina Luna and George Santos are simply animatronic mannequins controlled by ChatGPT. That explains why they’re often superficially fluent, but inclined to spew whatever random nonsense fits the situation at any given moment.
You know it makes sense.
They are, of course, the second generation of the GOP’s experiments with conscienceless robot politicians. The first generation had a number of obvious bugs, and culminated in the horrifying TrumpBot, a fatally-flawed model based on Microsoft’s infamously racist Tay chatbot software. I just hope the GOP roboticists remembered to fit an off switch this time.
Pretty sure that’s a @beschizza masterpiece.
The original image. And yes, a masterpiece