Anonymous Neo-Nazi mass shooting propagandist exposed as Sacramento dildo saleswoman

Originally published at: Anonymous Neo-Nazi mass shooting propagandist exposed as Sacramento dildo saleswoman | Boing Boing


Humber did not respond to HuffPost requests for comment made via email. Voicemails left to her family members went unanswered.

Where’s that “white pride” now, big shot?


This is the probably the worst mashup of German and Japanese subcultures since the 1940s.


Cue the dramatic music!


I’d say that I expected someone more impressive from the ‘master race’; but I’d be lying.


More of a “master race-baiter” apparently.


Dallas Erin Humber, a 33-year-old dildo saleswoman from Sacramento

Anyone else hear that in the Jeopardy announcer’s voice as they read it?


The article is a disturbing read. Luckily evil is stupid, so the breadcrumbs for the detective work were all out on the open.

Very disheartening to read about these people and know that they are out there.


fan art of Josef Mengele

Sick Napoleon Dynamite GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


From the article (quoting the subject), the following snippet about the desirability of attacking the electrical grid:

when the lights don’t come back on, all hell will break loose, making conditions desirable for our race to once again take back what is ours

I’m always curious to know how exactly that’s supposed to work. Because to me it looks a lot like one of those “business plans” that consists of three lines of question marks followed by “PROFIT!!!”

I think that before you throw everything into chaos you need to have a workable plan to take advantage of the confusion, and I’m not sure that most of these Nazi chucklefucks could formulate a workable plan to relieve themselves without pissing on their own feet.

Unfortunately, while these scions of the Master Race are largely too stupid and dysfunctional to actually accomplish their repellent goals, that won’t stop them from putting sane and decent people to a great deal of trouble and expense by doing pointless shit like shooting at transformers, or genuinely villainous shit like shooting at people.

Fuck 'em all and the dildo they rode in on.


Perhaps they imagine that Black people will run around looting and white people will form vigilante groups (i.e. white supremacist gangs) to “restore order”.


Sabotaging the electrical grid:

WHAT THEY THINK WILL HAPPEN: Violent uprisings, racial holy war, heavily armed white supremacists triumphantly slaughter their enemies and usher in the Thousand-Year Reich.

WHAT WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN: Everyone eats cold baked beans for two months.


TLDR: they think it’ll all just happen inevitably. It’s a bollocks mashup of misunderstood Nietzsche, misunderstood Hobbes and misunderstood Darwin. Just find a summary of Mein Kampf somewhere, it’s exactly the same shit, just dressed up slightly differently.

In so far as these people have any kind of idea of how ??? turns into “whites rule 4eva!”, my understanding is that the “thinking” goes:

"Civilisation and organised society is what keeps the strong from outcompeting the weak. Fascist white people are inherently superior so the only reason non-fascist, non-white people somehow manage to continue to exist as anything other than subservient beings is because civilisation allows them to get handouts and somehow survive despite their inability to shoot deer with semi-automatic rifles and gut fish with their teeth or whatever.

Therefore, get rid of civilisation and return everybody to a state of nature and the inherent superiority of the fascist white man will inevitably lead to the desired killing off of everybody deemed inferior/undesirable"(which is of course the same thing in their view).

And yes, vigilante gangs killing “looters” and former Yugoslavia style civil war scenarios feature heavily.

And a whole bunch of fan-wank about how well equipped they all are to withstand societal collapse and survive the aftermath.


Hate and violence are drivers of stress in most folk.

Perhaps her efforts are simply intended to expand her market share / open new markets?

If the internet is any indication, large black dildos are real crowd pleasers. I wonder if she sold those, and to whom. I bet some of her clientele hope she remembers discretion.


The “dildo saleswoman” bit surprises me, as I guess I would assume Nazis would be against that sort of thing. Though maybe they are - Nazis are also into hypocrisy and inconsistency, after all.

Apparently the idea is straight out of their favorite book (The Turner Diaries) - their belief is that society is constantly on the verge of “race war” and all it takes is for life to get more chaotic (e.g. infrastructure goes down, especially electricity that helps convey government messages) for it to flare up. It’s completely insane, obviously, but it’s just the more overtly racist version of “elite panic,” premised on the belief that in a disaster, people will turn on each other (when in reality, they’re more likely to help each other), which is widely accepted without any scrutiny.


I think it will also lead to Nazis become famous as the assholes who took away their TV/phones/fridges/microwaves/internet for days to a week, which will lead to even more people wanting to punch them.


When the lights went out after hurricane Katrina, multiple violent white supremacist gangs did immediately form ready to shoot any Black people that came across their path. This is the only case that lead to a conviction (he died in prison days after this story)


Guess that depends on how you would categorize the Danziger bridge shooting.


Good point. There were also convictions of members of the longstanding violent white supremacist gang already there.

And it is probably good to remember (see the gangs of LA sheriff office story) that the main source of this type of killings and terror is always the police