Another day, another movie theater shooting in America: Nashville Edition. Open Thread

You asked if we had anything new to say. And I’m wracking my brain trying to find a pattern that makes sense, and the only thing I can think of after Sandy Hook, is that our “leaders” don’t want us to feel safe. Their position is more secure when we’re scared of each other. After Sandy Hook, it’s obvious that no amount of horror is going to be sufficient to change legislature’s minds. If we want to stop getting killed like this, it’s not going to be enough to ask nicely for gun control.

It’s like the rainbow of terror we’ve been asked to notice every day for 14 years now, they’ll issue vague warnings meant to make us cautious, but not anything we can actually do anything about. And this police violence e problem we’re suddenly noticing like it just recently started? History is on the side of those who think it’s going to blow over, it’ll be the news de jour until some other grisly fascination consumes us.

Because the powers that own this country are not thinking to themselves that when the 99% get a slightly larger slice of the pie, we’ll all be happy. They’re expecting things to get worse, they’re counting on global warming to reduce the population. If they ease up and pass gun control laws now, what’s that going to leave them when the seas rise? Are we going to hold a referendum on how to allocate a shrinking planet? How many of us will vote to leave them the lion’s share?

We can’t do anything real about these 'mucker attacks because they are part of the program. They won’t stop until there’s enough interest and motivation to change that program.