Another fash bites the dust!

I still think it’s blindingly obvious by how you talk aboit them, that you don’t think these fascists would ever pose a threat to you. Personally


You’re showing your complete cluelessness here. When PP brought the PB into Portland the first two times, people ignored them - and they beat marginalized people nearly to death. Homeless teens, immigrants, old ladies out for a walk were their targets. That’s why anti-fascism returned to Portland. Because the right-wing groups didn’t accept being ignored. They just targeted people who weren’t going to call the police.


Yup. We tried “ignore” them. Turns out they didn’t go away.


lol, such bullshit. actual neoliberalism has been the agent for the greatest reduction of poverty and decrease in inequality in the history of the human race. climate change would have happened regardless of what economic policies were enacted, it’s a simple consequence of humans being mostly shitty and short sighted. most serious economic alternatives in the modern era have of course been far more damaging to the environment than western liberal democracies (where lowering fertility rates and increased levels of public demand for environmental controls have lead to far greater reductions in pollution and carbon emissions than elsewhere).

What color is the sky of the planet you’re living on?


What privileged utopia do you have to live in for this to work? White-Het-Cis-Man-Land? I have literally tried ignoring them, and I still have the PTSD 15 years later.

(not you personally)


I think you’re confusing that with Keynesianism, which was the real game-changer starting in the 1930s. Unchecked neoliberalism, starting with Thatcher and Reagan in the early 1980s, started rolling back whatever gains were made in that regard during the postwar economic anomaly. And deregulation in regard to pollution and emissions started during that same period, with the Western fossil-fuel and related industries contributing as much to global warming as any Soviet or Maoist 5-year-plan.

I’m sorry to inform you that The End of History has been postponed. You may still be working under the assumptions of 1992, but even Fukuyama has moved on.

Boy, between your knee-jerk defense of unchecked neoliberalism and statements like this your denials that you’re a “free” market fundie ring a bit hollow.

The “persons” who’ve been the most greedy and short-sighted in regard to climate change over the past 40 years have been your beloved legal fictions/“slow AIs” (AKA corporations) and their human minions in the executive suites and the leaders of various political parties who are beholden in practise to dogmatic neoliberalism (whether they style themselves Republicans or Conservatives or Libertarians) or who, to a lesser degree subscribe to the neoliberal consensus (Third-Way Democrats and other centrists).


Oh, right, policies has nothing to do with it, it’s just individuals.

Just stop, will you? You are spiralling towards a point where just everyone will take issues with your arguments.

To be clear: the conditio some qua non for climate change is that emissions are growing, not shrinking. Which is a matter for politics, and for polices enacted. If we don’t factor in the price for environmental costs into everything, on a political level, climate change in a generally market-based global economy is unpreventable. Neo-liberalism was and is declaring that politics have to stay out of the “market”, and abhor regulations factoring in environmental and social costs.
Politics leading to globally shrinking emissions will not come by an invisible hand of any shrugging giant.


Growing where, in liberal democracies, or elsewhere? In most western liberal democracies emissions are relatively flat, or falling, which is still a problem because they’re supposed to be falling everywhere. In the developing world they are rapidly increasing. The west has a responsibility here too of course, we came up with most of the technology that’s leading to these increases (someone else would have instead if we hadn’t got there first of course), and while the planet could just about handle a subset of it’s nations belching out the amount of CO2 that we did, it certainly can’t handle the whole planet doing so. They certainly deserve the economic growth required to give them the same standard of living as we enjoy. We could have easily solved this issue by full steam ahead development of nuclear power, exporting safe modular designs around the developing world, making a profit at the same time. Sadly the neo-luddite ‘environmental’ lobby put a stop to that, so we are where we are today.

This is flat out wrong, this is just the standard straw man bulshit 101 objections to liberalism. All the big liberal thinkers are explicit in their support for smart market regulation, social support and the factoring in of externalities (right from the beginning with Adam Smith, through to Hayek and Friedman). You seem to be getting confused between libertarianism and liberalism. Also of course there’s the fact that liberal ideals and actual politics are two very different things, and increasingly since the 2000s we have seen western politicians move away from actual liberal policies towards monetary interventionism, protectionism, crony capitalism, financial corruption, all things diametrically opposed to actual liberal policies and principals.

The word neoliberalism itself is mostly a meaningless bogey word, it’s sort of being rehabilitated in a post-ironic manner now by true liberals. Paul Mason had the best definition of neoliberalism: neoliberalism is when neoliberals do neoliberal things in a neoliberal way (I’m paraphrasing a bit here).

You’re hung up on not knowing the difference between neoliberal economic policy (regan basically is the original proponent of this) and liberal political philosophy.

You should look up the difference before claiming we’re wrong.


Are you drinking?


Yes; damn the US and UK government and military for their violent confrontation with fascism.



How uncivil and violent of them. And joining in with Communists, too!

While we’re discussing that, look how they treated poor Lord Haw-Haw – like Ngo, just a moderate conservative journalist who embedded himself with the far right. The injustice of it all!



This Paul Mason?

Or, per @Akimbo_NOT above, perhaps the quote is coming from a bottle emblazoned with this name:


Do you actually read anything about what’s going on in Portland and Seattle? That is the anti-fascist demographics in both groups. In fact, it’s the Iron Front (Social Dems) symbol that gets the most use, and is proudly displayed at soccer games in both cities.

Again, no knowledge of what’s really going on, and you seem like you don’t actually care to have your fantasy interrupted with reality.

When no one counters the Hate Tourists, they go find people to beat. When antifa counters them, they focus on antifa and fewer vulnerable people get hurt. Some fascists get hurt. Oh, darn.


Naturally the enablers of fascism … I mean “moderate centrists” and the wealthy stadium and team owners … are very “concerned” over those Iron Front banners* and tried to ban them. But the antifa fans are having none of it.

[* one of those arrows originally symbolised the Social Dems’ opposition to capitalism, although it soon morphed into representing opposition to the Centre Party, the preferred party of Germany’s conservative capitalist establishment at the time]


Everyone else can go get fucked, I guess.


I am anti-fascist. I hate fascism and racism. I go to every single counter-demonstration in Portland when the out of town racists show up. Like pretty much everyone there I am not a Communist or an anarchist. But so fucking what if I were? My Goldwater -voting father fought in WWII to stop fascism.

If the commies and black flaggers were the only people standing up to the bastards, then more power to them, and damn the "pragmatic centrists"who help normalize evil.