Anti-Voting Propaganda Discussion

Public loan forgiveness over haul. Forgiving debts of people with disabilities. Forgiving debts of victims of predatory for-profit colleges

Creating watchdog org for financial aid to prevent the for-profit colleges from screwing over more people

Defending the right of pregant people to make their own choices

Child tax credit expansion lifted three million children out of poverty.

Vaccine mandate for federal employees and contractors. Then a vaccine mandate for private sector employers.

Protection and support for transgender students, military personnel, and aid recipients. Ordering all fed agencies in charge of combating discrimination to fight against discrimination against transgender people.

I could go on but I’m not going to waste more time. I don’t particularly like Biden and I think he could be doing more. I think the senate democrats need to kill the filibuster or reinstate having to physically fillibuster bills. I viewed my vote for Biden as a step in the direction of progress, not a solution. And, importantly, a step away from fascist, heteronormative, cisgender, misogynistic, white supremacy. Is it my ideal? No. But it will take time to repair the damage of 40 years of the GOP and particularly Trump.

In contrast, go check out the shit the GOP has been shoveling pretty much everywhere. The Texas Tribune would give you a good view of Texas.

Your arguments are either hollow or out right false.

Edited to correct typos-of-rage.