Antimasker Ted Cruz sends his kids to a private school with a mandatory mask policy

Perfect for the rich jerks. Soooo exclusive, donchaknow.


When one is a member of a Fascist Death Cult, that’s what one does. No surprise here.

Introducing legislation & passing it are two different things; one could argue this proposal could be extended to apply to government regulations in general, so…

When Cancun freezes over, maybe?

Well, their followers are certainly cult members. Most [if not all] of the leaders are in it for the grift & may or may not be True Believers themselves.

Major school districts in Texas are openly defying his orders in the face of skyrocketing hospital admissions, so we shall see how this works out.

The kindest term I would use for these people is ‘gullible’.
Most of 'em aren’t ‘stupid’, but most of 'em are religious fundies, so, yeah. Gullible. With Fascist tendencies.
Not to say that they aren’t also greedy, power-hungry, racist, etc…

Nothing wrong with giving people the benefit of the doubt.
Gotta know when they deserve it, though… & Cruz lost that privilege long ago.

Same here, especially if they both lose. Or win, depending on your POV.



I can get to the Texas capitol building on foot—I’m well aware. A few counties are suing Abbott and one has won a restraining order on his executive order.


“I will work around the clock to protect your right not to wear a mask, your right not to get vaccinated, and your right to contract COVID. As for me? I’ve been vaccinated for months, but I didn’t tell you, and I wear a mask when you’re not looking. That’s why I’m fighting for your rights. I’m not stupid enough to believe the stuff I’m saying.”

Every GQP elit … er, populist


from a recent Atlantic article on “compassion fatigue”

“What makes me the maddest,” one of my doctor friends told me, “is that these people will reject science right until the second they need everything I have to keep them alive, and then they feel that they can come to our door and be entitled to that help and that hard work.” This friend is characterizing the inconsistency in the behavior she sees in people declining a vaccine but then demanding medical care based on the same science. That inconsistency feels, to her and to other dedicated medical professionals trying to survive this pandemic, very much like dishonesty.


Their behavior, and their hypocritical selfishness are thoroughly disgusting.

I’m also horrified by those ladies and gentlemen who say, “It was a Miracle! Thank you Jesus!” after doctors’ and nurses’ long, hard work saves lives.


Well, congrats @frauenfelder, your original reporting is being quoted on national TV! :smiley:


Wait, does this mean Ted Cruz is a…dick?


Oh you mean this guy?

Like, this gubner dude who’s in Austin, right?

Just checking.


Part 5 introduces the “Disaster Capitalism Complex”, a complex series of networks and influence employed by private companies that allows them to profit off of disasters. She mirrors this new Disaster Capitalism Complex with the Military Industrial Complex and explains that both employ the blurring of the line between private and public, through tactics like the revolving door.


I saw that earlier and was so pleased! :smiley:


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He should be ashamed! Well, he should. But he is such a scumbag that shame is not possible.


Austin [and the Hill Country, in general} have always been my favorite part of Texas. The only hills in Houston are freeway overpasses & the garbage dumps scattered around.

Looks like a real charlie foxtrot in the making. I think Abbott is a psycopath. So’s Patrick, for that matter.

Except that some of 'em are and do

They don’t reject all science; just that which conflicts with their ideology.

Not only that, but they ignore the fact that gawd of theirs is what created that virus in the first place, according to their own beliefs. If they were truly ‘blessed’, they wouldn’t have caught the illness to begin with.

I’ve been meaning to get that book for years. Since I’m already a cynical bastid, pretty sure it will merely confirm my suspicions.

EDIT: clarity. I hope.


Aaand now DeSantis is also promoting antibody infusions, so that the medical and pharmaceutical sectors can profit from his pro-virus edicts. The popularity of antibody treatments among Republican virus quislings is enough to convince me that they’re worthless.


So, DeSatan is enabling grift for his owners? What a surprise.

Yeah, anything they promote can’t be good or useful for the public at large,


It’s weird how attached Republicans are to advocating for and taking worthless treatments for Covid that have dangerous side effects like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, yet are so strongly against proven treatments and prevention like vaccines and masks. SMH.


Not weird at all - the cruelty is the point. They steer people away from what works, and encourage them to use anything that doesn’t - as long as the quackery lines their pockets. When people die following their advice, they’ll claim those folks are better off…before offering thoughts and prayers.


The vaccines are designed by humans for a specific purpose, and are thus tainted by original sin and arrogance and all that jazz.
Oleander, and Hydroquinone are miracles provided by God.


It does seem like a let everyone die and god can sort them out sort of cruelty - and they are certain the people who will be dying are other people, not them. Vaccines and masks are preventative and they absolutely don’t do prevention.