AOC hands Rep. Yoho's cowardly nonpology right back to him

Nothing more to say, really.


In the original sense of the word it is. I would even expect her to pull a Cincinnatus and resign after the danger was over.

(That said I’m obviously not really advocating for any kind of dictatorship. It wouldn’t be a good idea, even with a genuinely benevolent dictator)


That’s one classy daughter right there. I’d be proud of my daughter if she held herself so proudly. But I wish she wouldn’t have to.


Absolutely not.

Let them start a genocide and a war that ends with the enemy army on their literal doorstep and they, too, would choose the cowardly way out and take their families with them.

That’s not dying for your cause, that’s dying because you’re a fucking warmongering genocidal fascist whose time of reckoning has come.


I suspect he’s got a wife, a daughter, a mistress, and an illegitimate daughter to boot.


I’m waiting for the moment of truth to arrive…whether Yoho’s wife and daughters stand by him or reject him after using them as rhetorical cannon fodder.


Rep. AOC is an incredible speaker, and her brutal honesty here cuts through the hypocrisy of Yoho’s combo misogyny/bullshit-non-apology. Having someone of her caliber / honesty / energy in our government makes us a better country (even if I don’t agree with her 25% of the time, I trust her 100% of the time).


May there be granddaughters to inherit it.

… You lucky bastard!


These twitter comments are on fire.


Something like that. If nothing else she and her cohort of young, farther-left women provide Pelosi with a foil to make the point that Pelosi is actually a moderate-for-Democrats. AOC is also getting a demonstration on how to get half a loaf, which can be repeated. I’m sure she already knew that “all or nothing” is a reliable way to get nothing.


That guy’s comment was so close to being on point, but instead he chose to open with

“What Rep @AOC missed an opportunity to do is to say…”

Instead of just, you know, MAKING THE POINT HIMSELF for the benefit of his own readers without phrasing his tweet in such a way that suggested AOC didn’t understand the problem.


No. Fascism has never had an honorable center. It’s only ever been subjugate others who don’t look like me by any means necessary, up to and including genocide. That’s it. That’s what it’s all about. :woman_shrugging:


That’s why I qualified the standards. I also don’t condone so-called “honor killings.” “Honor” is a word that’s been used (or translated) since forever, and has rarely been about anything you and I would consider “honorable.”

The thing is that Goebbels at least practiced the values he professed, however deplorable. YoHo on the other hand professes values that he defies every day. Should we give him more credit for professing better values that he doesn’t honor in practice?

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On top of not knowing what an apology is, McCarthy apparently doesn’t understand what they’re for either. Which tracks pretty well, really.

How about we don’t give either of them any credit and call it a day?


Yoho is very much practicing the values he preaches, as he clearly believes that women who aren’t in their “proper place” need to be put their place.

He was a fucking genocidal maniac. It’s a funny thing to say in a movie… not so funny in reality. It’s not an ethos, it’s a apocalyptic world view devoid of honor.

How about we throw them all in the trash bin of history and stop pretending that “both sides” have some honor.

[ETA] BTW, I think people should also think about how we understand history here too. The deployment of the nazi state was never clear cut or consistent. The entire project from it’s initial codification in the 20s to it’s demise in 1945 were always shot through with the inconsistencies of the reality of seeking to wipe a people off the face of the earth. Popular history would have you believe other wise, that the nazis were always powerful, overwhelming, and entirely consistent from day one and only failed due to overwhelming force from the allies (which is true with regards to the war). The internal inconsistencies with deploying a genocidal world view with the practical day to day running of a state are evident, however, if you do not get your world war 2 history from the Hitler channel, which loves to mix up unsubstantiated psycho history bullshit (HITLER HAD ONE BALL… THEY WERE IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN, etc) with an appeal to people who love to fetishize military prowess over basic human decency. Reading actual historians of the nazis and the holocaust instead of watching the History channel or hollywood movies about the second world war will disabuse you of these notions pretty fucking quick.

[ETA 2] And in the future, how we view people like Yoho (and the GOP) will make him seem far more consistent in his world view, because by it’s nature, historical writing itself has to be somewhat reductive and popularization of history is often even MORE so (often to the detriment of a more nuanced understanding of the past).


Done. <grumble> the two deserve each other</grumble>

The Democratic Party would do better to look to representatives and governors as potential presidential candidates. Former presidents can join the Senate after they’ve done their time in the White House.

As it is now, we get everything backwards with multiple senators running against each other in the presidential primaries and they’re all nearly 80 years old.


I can think of at least 6 million reasons why that is so fucking wrong.


It’s happened before. I mean, he was a bag of turds, but it has happened.


Easily undercounting. Note that the same could be said for Caesar Julius, too. “Mass murderer” being one of his well-earned descriptions. The mistake here is assuming that I consider “honorable” to be praise. Yes, according to his code Caesar was “honorable.” Likewise many others, including the fathers that kill their own daughters for having been raped. I’m not aware of YoHo having done that last, but he declares that he should be credited for professing a religion which excuses quite a few things barely better and then doesn’t even practice what he preaches.

Since YoHo is on board with so much else in common with Goebbels, I have no reason to doubt that he would, given the chance, commit the rest – except that he is already admittedly a hypocrite and a liar. His protestations of not being on board with those other atrocities ring about as true as his protestations of living by the standards of his professed religion and “I never got the chance” doesn’t rate highly on my scale of excuses.