Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/24/aoc-trounces-wall-street-backe.html
I was just discussing this with my spouse. A friend of ours was telling me a few weeks back how AOC is so unliked that everyone hates her craziness. I pointed out it doesn’t matter if people in Nebraska hate her…it only matters what the people in her district think. He retorted…“Yeah, they hate her there. The challenger is gonna win big!”
I simply nodded and said “We’ll see”.
Pity the Dem zentrum: it would seem that superficial similarities in gender, ethnic background, and name hyphenation just aren’t enough anymore to get a Third Way candidate to win.
She’ll be old enough to run for preznit in, what? 2028?
Funny how smart morphs into crazy in some circles isn’t it?
- She was born in October 1989.
According to teh Googlez, she would be eligible for the 2024 race, since she would turn 35 before Inauguration Day.
Even better!
You beat me to it.
My kid (who is 15 now) is looking forward to being able to vote for her in the future.
I’m voting for her right now!
Papasan would say that was premature…
Well, only when it’s them wimin brains, you know. They is sneaky, them crazy wimin brains.
A spot of light in an otherwise fucked up timeline of darkness, destruction and ignorance.
…Dreaming of a day when Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court are filled with AOCs and RBGs…

…Dreaming of a day when Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court are filled with AOCs and RBGs…
I’m dreaming of a day when they are the moderates.
My 2c here is that if the emoluments rules in the constitution somehow don’t matter, the being-35-for-prez-or-vp rules shouldn’t matter either. Biden’s campaign could still tap her for VP, make some conservative heads assplode.
Not in the cards, really, but I still would have liked to see it.
People tend to underestimate AOC, usually at their own peril. She takes her job seriously, does her homework on a subject/person, and usually comes better prepared for public appearances/questions than her detractors/opponents. That kind of effort pays off in campaigning.
I would love to see that too. However, the situation with the emoluments clause, I believe, is that no one has demonstrated that they have the legal standing to file a lawsuit over its violation by Trump (which is, imo, bullshit, but what do I know?). I would expect that, in the case of the POTUS age restriction, a rival candidate might have a better chance at establishing the case for their legal standing to sue. But I’m not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, so I may be completely wrong about this.
Thanks be for AOC. Imagine this world with all the hatred and closed-mindedness but WITHOUT have the brave and hopeful light in the dark that she presents…

People tend to underestimate AOC, usually at their own peril. She takes her job seriously, does her homework on a subject/person, and usually comes better prepared for public appearances/questions than her detractors/opponents.
Yeah, most of her opponents are overprivileged white men who have coasted through life, finding (or being born into) wealth and political success with little struggle, mostly surrounded by people just like them, who believe in some false inherent superiority of overprivileged white men who have coasted through life.
Such people don’t merely underestimate AOC, they literally can’t even consider the possibility that a bartending woman of color could be better than them at pretty much everything. For these brobots, the idea of AOC just does not compute. I don’t think they’ll ever be able to properly estimate her formidableness.