Apoorva Ramaswamy defends husband's sexist slur — “He is the most pro-woman man I’ve ever met"

Originally published at: Surgeon Defends Husband's Sexist Remark at GOP Debate!


I really don’t know what Ramaswamy’s angle is. I guess he’s trying to be the younger, hipper Trump, but why does he think he’ll get any votes doing that? The only people that appeals to are already voting for Trump, and if they decide Trump isn’t viable, they sure as hell aren’t switching to Vivek Ramaswamy.


At last night’s GOP presidential debate, the unctuous Vivek referred to Hawley as “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels,” implying that being a woman makes a person less capable of being a president

Funny, I thought it implied that being Dick Cheney makes a person less capable of being president.


I kinda glad it’s been pointed out how and why it’s sexist - because I could see myself saying something like that to imply the only difference between Nikki Haley and Dick Cheney is that she is a woman, and we don’t need another Dick Cheney thank you very much.
Like if it was just a younger person, “Dick Cheney with more hair” or if they were fit/skinny I might say “Would the real slim Cheney please stand up… for even a single policy that isn’t immoral, a war crime or both.”


It’s Nikki Haley


Thank you for using this word correctly. Could you talk to the fools that write the scripts for every food show, please? Their misuse is so bad it actively pisses me off.

Her argument is no different than that of a-holes who loudly proclaim “calling out racists is the real racism”. Bullshit doublespeak with a huge helping of projection. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


“He is the most pro-woman man I’ve ever met.”

That doesn’t make him great, it just means Dr. Ramaswamy needs to meet better men.


So when is Ramaswamy’s bill coming due?


He’s auditioning for the VP slot. For all his many faults, he’s the only participant in the debates who understands their purpose.

Whether his tr0lling gets the position from the day-glo racist is a separate question, but if not he’ll likely get a cabinet position where he can do a lot of damage while enriching himself.


“He is the most pro-woman man I’ve ever met”

Well, Apoorva is a Republican Wife, so this might be true.


He’d be given HUD, just like Ben Carson got. I suppose he could enrich himself there, but mostly he’d just disappear. What he probably wants, now that I think about it, is Health and Human Services because that’s the department the FDA is under, and he would love to gut that agency.


Not sure if you can really call this sexist. He just as easily could have used it anytime against DeSantis.

But he didn’t, he used it against the only woman on the stage. That choice was very deliberate and it came out sounding practiced. Someone in his campaign thought it would be a good idea to make a sexist comment at Haley, so he did.


State published this about Ramaswamy


Please stop telling women that we don’t see what we know we see… trust us when we tell you something is indeed sexist, because we’re pretty good at knowing what is, since all of us have had to deal with this like this many times in our lives.

Hell, it was probably his idea… he’s just that kind of jackass.


I’m confused. I thought Ron DeSantis was the one in three-inch heels.

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The guy can’t even handle Alex Jones…

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‘You’re Just Scum, Scum, Scum, Scum,’ Echoes Through Vivek Ramaswamy’s Head As He Stares Up Blankly At Bedroom Ceiling


Exactly! Came to say just this.
The whole, “he’s the least (insert specific bigotry here) person I know,” is never the defense people think it is. It says nothing about the bigot in question, but a lot about the person making the claim, and who they associate with.


He already had his two terms, anyway.

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