Apple fires misogynistic employee just hours after he was hired

Indeed; t’was hyperbole, and most people whose goal isn’t to be as contrarian as possible are likely to grok that.

Clearly when I say that someone ‘can go fuck themselves’, I don’t actually expect them to ever follow through… but should they decide to acquiesce, then that’s on them.

Let them hold their collective breath while they wait.


I was certainly smiling when I read it…


I feel like we’re talking at cross purposes, since we both 100% agree about the situation. Or, maybe better phrased, I agree with you, 100%.

I absolutely will make the same statement to men using violent imagery here in the forums. Including my objections to the use of guillotine imagery when Cory did it.

Nowhere did I say or imply that anyone need be polite to this jerk. But sexual violence imagery is a whole different category.

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One little thing to point out here: it seems Apple deserves a thumbs-up for not only firing this guy so quickly, but realising someone in the hiring process screwed up. The press release did say that they were aghast that no one in the hiring process raised this flag, that no one bothered to read his own autobiography.

Well, a thumbs-up from me, but I don’t count. I am such a fanboy, I have been using Apple computers since I first touched the Apple ][ in 1979. So I’m disqualified for being biased.


Thank you for your selfless effort in promising to defend our feelings at some nebulous point in the future.
If you’ve got anything that might stop sexist assholes from acting up in the first place that would be better, but you do you.


Not defending “your feelings” - I’m defending mine from violent imagery, regardless of who posts it. AND I’m all for firing sexist jerks and other enforcement of measures that mean real consequences for their actions. Not mutually exclusive.

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The ‘slippery slope’ argument about using guillotine imagery, yet again:


That’s not how it works. Announced bias is just fine, actually; the audience can then take that clearly-defined bias into account, when considering your words. It’s not as if any human medium is ever free of some sort of bias, after all; pretending otherwise is pretty foolish.

In other words, your opinion isn’t necessarily invalid, simply because you like one of the parties in an incident, as long as you’re honest about it.

I dearly wish I could sew better but even a few classes and patient instructors failed to teach me. I seem to have some sort of “inverse talent” for it =x .

As for post-apocalypse skills, I’d much prefer in-depth farming knowledge over “punching firewood out of a tree.” A lot more canning and preservation skills would be badly needed, as well.

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I have to assume that no editor was ever paid to read that shit, because it is genuinely terrible writing. I’m astonished that it ever got published. It should have been red-penciled and reworked a dozen times, preferably with the help of a ghostwriter.

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Yikes. Not all men, but definitely this one.


Ah, yes, the old “I’m just telling it like it is, everyone has the wrong impression about Silicon Valley and I’m dishing the truth no one knows!” No, you vacuous inane fart, we all KNOW what a fucking mess Silicon Valley is, and the vulture capitalist industry in general. We understand you are greedy, performative pigs eager to get rich and who put on a show about being open minded and “woke” while you fill your ranks with misogynists (like yourself) and assholes. All you’re doing is giving us insight into YOU, you giant pustule on a weasel’s butt.


Nice fella!

He’s comparing himself to some of the most famously worst chunks of humanity in the smelliest cesspit on the planet, and he chooses to say that if you think those turds stink, well, he stinks less.

No wonder Apple fired him. Not just for being as rotten a human as he publicly proclaims, he’s also so stupid he uses a cesspit as a personal measuring stick!

Pro tip for writers: if you need to compare yourself to others, measure the distance between yourself and Mother Theresa. You may not be proud of the enormous distance, but at least your audience won’t immediately associate you with a steaming pile of shit.



Guy who said women are ‘soft, weak, cosseted, naive’ lasted about a month at Apple until internal revolt

Apple confirmed that García Martínez is no longer with the iPhone maker, without characterizing his departure as involuntary termination, resignation under pressure, or otherwise.
“At Apple, we have always strived to create an inclusive, welcoming workplace where everyone is respected and accepted,” an Apple spokesperson said in a statement to The Register . “Behavior that demeans or discriminates against people for who they are has no place here.”
The Register asked García Martínez whether he would care to comment, and we’ve not heard back.
Had García Martínez chosen to respond to our inquiry, we’d have asked whether working again is necessary, given that he sold a company to Twitter and worked at Facebook before and after its IPO.
We’re left to wonder what the proper punishment is for being a ****** ******* and whether there’s a viable path to redemption or just a safety net of companies disinterested in the opinions of women and people of color.

Also, the position was ‘product engineer’ on Apple’s ‘ad platform team’, in case anyone was wondering.


Aaaand here we go…

Ex-Apple Employee Claims Company Knew About His ‘Misogynistic’ Writings and Hired Him Anyway


I mean, I guess technically I was born mere hours* ago. But, yeah, that does seem a pretty misleading way to state it.

*tens of thousands of hours. I can’t do math right now, but 4 decades’ worth of hours…


Taibbi coming to his defense!:roll_eyes:


At least Tabbi admits it’s because he is embittered by having his personal life impacted from when he was an asshole to the wrong kind of woman, and that he would never make the mistake of apologizing for it again. Admitting bias means that it’s better his political bloviating isn’t self-reflective in any way. /s