Architect of Charlottesville receives preliminary approval for a "white civil rights rally" in DC

I would guess (I don’t feel like looking too closely today) that it’s about expressing support for white supremacy without suffering the full attendant criticism and consequence they might be subject to in everyday personal life.

That’s what so much of today’s loudmouth far-right, in all it’s delightful flavors, seems to mean when they claim they are “repressed.” Sometimes, people vocally disagree with them. Embarrassing! Unacceptable!

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While it might be an unfortunate usage here, sometimes a strong connection does exist.


Hey, at least Trump can say his inauguration was bigger. Very big! Over six hundred!


Like Speer?
Oops beaten to it.


I imagine they’ll be either pissed off or arrested given it’s a no firearms zone - no open - no concealed carry.

"District of Columbia Attorney General

Federal law continues to prohibit firearms in federal facilities in this park. Those federal facilities are marked with signs at public entrances. Thus firearms are prohibited in the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Survey Lodge, National Mall and Memorial Parks Headquarters and Maintenance Facilities."



I’m guess that participants are going to have a range of motivations.
Some reddit Nazis that want to hang with their brethren and have fun being “provacative.”
Some that want to normalize racism
and some that want are hoping to use violence to initiate a “turner diaries” style revolution.


“White civil rights”


I love leaning all these new terms for hate.


i.e. “One time this one Architect was involved in something unsavory”.
Even then actual building design was involved. No building design was involved in the Charlottesville rally. That’s my point. Organizing is not being an Architect. (Also can you hear me IT people? Get your own word.)


Your point is off topic; this isn’t about you or your profession, and there are bigger issues at hand than your personal irritation over mere semantics.


400 attendees? Since the Otakon anime convention is going to be in town that same weekend (attendance near twenty-five thousand last year), yeah. There are rooms in the convention center big enough to hold that and more. The lines for some of the videos/panels may have more than 400 people.

Let’s hope they don’t harass any of the attendees (of whom I will be one) in cosplay.

Edited to add: I just saw a post on Otakon’s Facebook page:

“To all of our fans and Members: We would like you to know that Otakon is aware of the proposed rally which would take place 2.1 miles from our event, and the concerns raised by our members. We are carefully monitoring the situation as it develops.”


… they’re going to be offered their pick of the open White House staff positions?

“I came to spew hate, and I got a government job! The system works!


This guy’s such a virulent, toxic extremist, the Proud Boys kicked him out for being too racist. No joke.


They want to protest the inordinate numbers of unarmed white people being shot in the back by cops. That, along with all the taxi cabs that pass them by because they’re white, and being verbally assaulted at Starbucks because they’re white.



Your point is off topic

I’m aware, hence my “Less important side note,” prefix. But I felt like commenting, and when people felt like responding, so did I. Ta da! “Comments” Ya can’t control them, Melz2

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They’ll be set up with chain-link fencing… but the protestors will call that a cage.


I didn’t say nor even imply that I could.

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Good. “Armed protest” is bullshit. The better term for it is a goddamn lynch mob! If you want to be taken seriously and not as a bunch of thugs who should be locked up on sight, you leave the guns at home.

The city of Charlottesville was so stupid in permitting the rally holders to essentially scare police into inaction. It let crap like this happen.

Of course it would be hilarious if these Nazi POS get overwhelmed by anime cosplayer counter-protestors. (In a non violent way)


Chances are this is also a Westboro-style attempt to be “victimized” for political points. The alt-right loves to paint itself as being oppressed, which is why they keep showing up in places like Berkeley, knowing full well they won’t get a good reception.

Also, an excellent video going into detail about how this worked in Charlottesville: