Arkansas cop fired after beating handcuffed detainee in back of car

Originally published at: Arkansas cop fired after beating handcuffed detainee in back of car - Boing Boing


I hear the next town over is hiring.


Blue Lives Batter.


Democratic Socialists Of America GIF by NYC-DSA


Indeed. I’m afraid in court the cop will argue that the man was trying to commit suicide with the seat belt and hitting him was the only way to free him from said seatbelt in time to prevent the worst. No idea what an Arkansas jury will make of that.

I bet Jonesboro Police Chief Rick Elliott would not want to answer that question.

Elliott also said he had contacted the FBI’s Little Rock office about the incident and will ask the state to decertify Harris as a police officer.

What are the consequences of that? Would that at least prevent Harris from being employed by police in Arkansas ever again?


The Sheriffs office filed the complaint that lead to the video being reviewed? That’s surprising.


Just looked it up, and in Arkansas all LEOs have to be certified by the state (not true in all states) and the

The Commission may revoke the certification, eligibility for certification, or ability to act as a law enforcement officer


An individual who has been decertified by the Commission … is not eligible for certification in Arkansas until the Commission, at its discretion and by majority vote, is satisfied that the individual is eligible for re-certification.

So it looks like the state board can do whatever it wants: ban him for life, temporarily ban him from law enforcement, or do nothing at all
(and the commission is composed of all current or former Arkansas officers)

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I hope the consequences of his actions make him reflect on his crimes.

Consequences like a 100% pension and a likely new job the next town over.


The only cure for this rampant abuse is a nationwide data base of Officer information. What? Repubs won’t pass the law? Shocked Pikachu face over here!

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i mean, if we put them in jail like any other criminals, not only would they be “off the street” for a while, their record would show up when trying to get a job somewhere else.

a national database of specifically cop law breakers seems like we’re just shoveling more money into the maw of law enforcement, when really we just need to prosecute them.


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