Armed domestic terrorists take over federal building, but it's OK, they're white

Next up is “Man on Man” action strictly for survival sake

Is a live-streaming web cam too much to ask?


Oh! Oh! I get it!

When I read it I was thinking terrorists and instantly thought that white meant non-Muslim/non-Brown.

You were thinking the white was in reference to non-Black!

I was confused at first, but yeah, we just read that sentence differently. I’m not sure what Cory intended, but I think it could have either origin.


…which is why Cliven Bundy’s crew were all arrested, and are now serving long prison sentences.

What, that didn’t happen? The Feds have failed to grind Cliven for a few decades now? Nothing happened to his idiot posse who were actively brandishing firearms while making explicit threats to murder federal agents?

What a strange phenomenon. Maybe somebody should do some thinking about why that happened.


And while some politicians and lawyers may argue that the US has not declared formal war since 1942, historians and librarians see the wars that have occurred since.

Will you not join me? Or should we wait 80 years until the US legal system tells us what words we should use instead of finding our own common ground?


Here you go

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Any double-standard is destructive and dishonest. It is simply the delusion that “some people matter more than others”. But I think that this way of thinking is itself the problem, and that the rationalizations of who is singled out as being better or worse and the fabricated excuses behind it are mostly irrelevant. Racism, sexism, classism, authoritarianism, etc appear superficially different but function cognitively the same way. This is why I pointed out the differences between politics as process (methodologies) versus roles (identities).

This seems to rub many people the wrong way, as it is much more fashionable to frame leftist politics in terms of identity. But my experience is that identity is not a conceptually substantial thing.


It’s not that you’re out of fashion, I assure you.


To add to @Nonentity’s comment: if you do decide to write a formal argumentative essay for present-day use of historical connotations of words, you can’t do much worse than using English as your example (or for that matter, the substrate of your argument).

[Edit: I just want to point out that autocorrect changed a misspelling of ‘connotations’ to ‘conniptions’, which is much funnier even though it makes absolutely no sense.]


NYC was a hotbed of liberalism and avarice even then. And I mean avarice in a good way, New Amsterdam cared more about money than ideology.

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In the abstract perhaps, but to real affected people the fact that they are getting the short end of the stick and how that plays out in their case makes all the difference in the world. You can’t delegitimize those issues from the victims’ end. If you convince a racist that racism is irrational and arbitrary and they should stop thinking in those terms, then that’s great and can make a positive difference in the world. But you can’t tell a victim of racism to stop playing along and perpetuating the concept.


Well thank god for that! I was worried.

I’ve found a good use for youtube’s x2 button


Damn well said.


I just came here for the comments. So far, this is great!


i think the reaction could also be viewed through the lens of utility.

if this were an “important” place – whether that be a court house ( or a mall ) versus the out-of-the-way highway rest-stop that it seems to be – the reaction would be different.

the sad part of capitalism in america today is that a mall is considered more important than a peaceful protest about human rights.


While I’m sure this is upthread somewhere, but I ain’t a-readintall,

I have to point out that it really says alot when you’re so hard up for something to take up arms agin that even when the poachers cum arsonists you want to liberate totally disavow you and yorn, yall gots tah bring it on ennyhow!

Them poor hard-done by fellers, that bug-out bag jesta itchin fer use, you can’t jes let all that time yall spent hoarding ammo n gear go to waste just because no one is willing to accommodate your dream of an all-out race war. The system prefers the slow grind, but gahddammit muh guns!


are you actually serious? exterminate? as in kill them dead? frankly, that’s nuts.

in fact, that’s exactly why we don’t want armed vigilantes roving the countryside convinced of their own righteousness. these are those people.

the rule of law should win out every time over armed extra-judicial responses. that’s what we call “society”. when we give that up we get: the iraq war, indefinite imprisonment, torture, and again: these people.

[ edit: this is also exactly why the current interpretation of the 2nd amendment needs to be revisited; why guns need to become, in fact, well regulated. ]

the reaction of moving slowly and talking seems exactly the right thing to do. that these people are idiots, wrong, and racist doesn’t matter.