As Trump adviser, Flynn stopped a military plan Turkey opposed after being paid $500K as its agent

Athletic scholarships–could happen. College sports are nuts. I know a gal who got offered a full ride somewhere for Tennis. She wasn’t that great at Tennis. Oh yeah, also she was Valedictorian. Just crazy.

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I guess the answer to that is going to be a nope. :frowning:

He got his, who cares about the rest of us?

And cue people explaining that America isn’t an imperial power, 3, 2…


Didn’t he get immunity?

My daughter is the star of her nationally ranked soccer team. Problem is Brown does not give athletic scholarships. :frowning:

Here? Really? Except for the Welcome-To-BoingBoing’s I gather everyone’s pretty cynical about that here.


Nope.I imagine he’ll be first on Mueller’s list.

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Yes, here. Plenty of people here don’t think American imperialism is a thing. The ingrained bias against thinking “bad things” about our country is pretty strong. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a strong anti-imperialism contingent or people who have a strong sense of history, but there are those who just don’t think anything we’ve done historically rise to the label of “imperialism”.


Wow, thanks for the read.
What a badass.


We all partake…

Badass indeed.

Indeed. We’re all complicit for sure. Just some people can’t see that.

“… Well… let’s see which checks clear before I finish my rankings. Ukraine, I"m looking at you :wink:



It won’t stop them from using it; but the news was only just recently about “Obama administration warned them about Flynn/Oh, but that was just the Democrat Party being political because they hate him!”

The notion that Flynn has even the slightest desire to uphold Obama administration policies is pretty incredible. Doesn’t mean that someone will refrain from asserting it; The Kenyan Usurper is an excuse that transcends causality as sane people understand it; but it won’t be a very impressive excuse.

Oh we were late to the game but we definitely did the imperialism thing mostly in the Pacific.

Certainly not the same, but the optics are more important to some of these folks than the underlying policy/ies (this is a recurring theme w/in the admin) or any results that might come of them.

Right and I agree. Many Americans won’t. Nor will they agree that slavery was a horrible, brutal institution, that the civil war was about slavery, that Nazis were right wing, or that Jim Crow was all that bad.

It’s not about the facts, it’s about people inability to understand and agree with them.