Asked about dropping Mike Flynn criminal charges, A.G. Barr gives the worst answer yet

Winners write history and also don’t lose elections so Barr is signaling that the November results are already in – anti-Trumpists will be held safely somewhere and Order will be maintained. Can’t have a disorderly nation now, can we?

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How Google news summarizes these developments.

I predict the “Lock him up” chants will return shortly.

This certainly explains why we never see books about the Civil War written by southern authors. I’ll bet you were wondering why they’ve been so quiet about it all these years.


I wonder is the orange clown has surrounded himself with people so scummy that their morals parallel his own, OR has he surrounded himself with people with such low morals that they will say what ever they think he wants them to say, regardless if they believe it’s true, or not. And which is worse.


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