At debate, billioniare Bloomberg says he "bought" 21 new Democrats in congress

Is ELECTABLENE$$ a word?

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“When people tell you who they are, believe them.”
– Maya Angelou

“When a plutocrat brags about being a plutocrat, believe him; also, if people tell you they believe Bloomberg would be a better President than Bernie, you can feel free to believe they’re a piece of human waste.”
– Declan McManus


That seems wasteful. He should be buying the Republican senators and converting them to democrats. Though that might have led to President Pelosi, and interrupted his narrative of vanquishing Trump and being our savior.


Bloomerg could win the election for the Dems if he just gave, say $5-10 million to Fair Fight 2020. Indisputably. The fact he isn’t means he’s more interested in hearing his name than in an actual Democrat winning. Fuck him with a vast, bulky implement made of his fortune converted to nickels and melted into one mass.


also relevant…


Not sure if it’d be that cheap, but yeah, I feel every billionaire who’s taking a wait and see attitude towards “Is US democracy likely to survive?” instead of using their money to even the playing field is complicit in allowing fascism to take root in the US.


Even if Fair Fight needed $35 Million to register voters and fight voter suppression in Swing States, that’s what Bloomberg spends on his campaign PER WEEK.

So, fuck him.


I’m hoping this gaffe “buys” his way into political obscurity.


Let’s see now, I’m gonna need: bag of Doritos, 1 lb ground beef, head of lettuce, the Democrat from New Hampshire, 5 lb bag of sugar, butter…


Actually, the 1986 tax law revision did more than any other I can recall to level the taxation playing field. Not least, it (briefly) eliminated the preference for capital income over wage income – income was income until the '90s.


I see nothing inherently dishonest about the words coming out of his mouth.

Nice thought, but he’d just re-appear. It’s well known that Trump takes the money and screws anybody he has a deal with.

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I’ve been waiting for the announcement of Trump Tower Pyongyang for a while now.

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