Originally published at: At least 10 dead in "racially motivated" Buffalo supermarket shooting | Boing Boing
The phrase “Christ, what an asshole” doesn’t begin to cover it.
Is it wrong of me to regret that the police talked him out of killing himself? Society would, I think, be better served if he had removed himself from circulation, so we don’t have to have a trial, and the inevitable appeals, and more publicity for his toxic views. I applaud the life-saving instinct, but there are cases where it may be misplaced.
Another 18 year old WHITE man with an assault rifle and cement in his head. My deepest condolences to the fallen and their grieving families.
And conservative media will continue to tell their followers that it’s the left who are relentlessly violent, hateful, and trying to destroy our way of life.
Sad that this headline keeps repeating….
The shooter livestreamed it and wrote a manifesto echoing the “Replacement Theory” quoted often by commentators on Fox Nation and Tucker Carlson.
Looks like 4chan and 8chan not Tucker
The long manifesto, which dives deep into the shooter’s supposed mindset and aims, cites 4chan as the source of his radicalization, noting “There I learned through infographics, shitposts, and memes that the White race is dying out, that blacks are disproportionately killing Whites, that the average black takes $700,000 from tax-payers in their lifetime, and that the Jews and the elite were behind this.”
Twitch Shooting Planned On Discord Investigated As Hate Crime
Update I am not clearing Tucker or Fox for any of this but this shit has been spread about for many a long time before Tucker and Fox News
Yes. That theory has been echoed on Fox Nation and on Tucker’s show.
And of course, white terrorist gets the white glove treatment compared to Black folks who get shot for alleged misdemeanors.
Every time.
The day “father” coughlin stopped living was a beautiful one. ETA: I type that as a Detroiter, so you know my horror for that creature runs deep.
Guess it’s time to talk about mental health again!
seriously, though, the msm will not go there “white terrorist” because…
reason being to only promote the one-sided story of “both sides”.
And I can infuriatingly anticipate that tomorrow’s paper will give less coverage to this tragedy than they give column inches to yet another right wing opinion piece on, “what is Joe Biden doing about violent demonstrations?”
That piece is shit is a US born domestic terrorist . Along with the NRA & anyone that supports that terrorist organization.
Signed Papasan
Too bad they didn’t use the ‘T’ word to describe the murderer.
Cue the inevitable copycats & crocodile tears from the FDC.
Gonna be a long hot summer…
Condolences to the families & community.
And that a “good guy with a gun” is the solution to mass shootings. Welp, tried that but body armor…