Do you think if they were registered, they would vote? I think registration + voting goes hand in hand. Why separate the two?
This seems like the wrong thread for our conversation, good sir or madam. But I strongly encourage you to do some research on why registered voters may (willingly or unwillingly) not cast a ballot, even when eligible.
There is a lot more to it than simple statistics.
Back on point, my heart goes out to those impacted by this senseless violence. One of the many things we can do to help is vote, and I hope everyone here is planning to! Every vote counts, no matter the state or season.
edited for grammar and spelling
We need to gamify civic pride. Upvote voting.
Well, here’s what they think -
tl;dr - they can’t put their religious icons on government property anymore, the supreme court has ruled repeatedly that women have a right to choose abortion, can’t pray in school, and we’ve allowed same sex marriage …(OMG, clutches pearls) Oh, and apparently we’re not being very civil about it either.
When you have always had pretty much total and unquestioned power and authority, equality looks an awful lot like oppression.
Perhaps social media with some kind of civic score?
Careful here. That could real easily become like the citizenship score they are playing with in China.
we need to make it a holiday. allow people the time and space to create tradition around it like they do for july 4th.
This is an answer I was confused as to why it has not been advocated yet. Then I realized that by holding elections on a working Tuesday, and frequently letting kids off school, it makes it very difficult for low wage hourly workers and poor moms to get out to vote. I therefore suspect there would be little political will to make election day a holiday.
I would buy that as a legit oil painting. Love it
Um, isn’t it already?
Wasn’t that kinda’ what happened?
Or a Cory Doctorow book, or, a haunting Black Mirror episode, you decide.
Hm, yeah… this
great movie.
Fuck Billy Graham and his fucking racist bigot son. For that matter, fuck all of the high profile preachers with their hands outstretched for more of their gullible follower’s money.
Explained above. Delete post
Christians need to get over their culture of religious, race, gender, and worker terrorism.
I prefer seven words (and just one riff):
Speaking as a Christian, though not an American one (and who knows what “regular” means in this context), that article sounds like a load of paranoid bullshit.
The religious right sees an opportunity to solidify a fascist state with them influencing public policy independent of the voters. They are already complaining that the effort to stomp out democracy is not showing results quickly enough. Please vote and encourage all others to vote also. The cult of the orange clown needs to end.