Originally published at: At Mystery Search, your query will redirect you to the last user's search results - Boing Boing
Yeah, I’m not going to search, because I’ve been around the Internet a few times, and I have expectations about what kinds of searches the previous person may have left for me.
The absolute best possible outcome is a fractal Rickroll extending into eternity. The reality is surely Rule 34 in its most terrifying forms.
@SamSam and @Surprise_Puma, it wasn’t that bad. All the search results I got were perfectly innocent; ordinary even. I tried 7 times or so.
Well, I hope you enjoyed the lemon party.
That’s a wonderful thing! What a neat lady.
The Indiana kindred variant of Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker disease
Uh-oh, looks like @FGD135 was on here.
I seem to have bad luck with these things. Everything is horrible with few exceptions.
I just tried, the first result was dogs, after that all my tries were my last searches.
So, no one using it right now.
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