Attempted Coup in the United States: Tracking Investigations and Fallout


OMFG. I have no idea how I ended up on this stupid “Judicial Watch” mailing list, but at first I occasionally clicked on an article to see what the right-wingers were talking about.
I’ve since “unsubscribed” at least 6 times, and they just keep coming.
Today’s screed is so…they call the attempted coup, “the Jan 6 disturbance,” and here’s a quote from the article where they’re whining about not getting access to all the USCP camera footage:

“To cut to the chase, the US Capitol Police is hiding a reported 14,000 hours of January 6 video from the American people to help Nancy Pelosi’s abusive targeting of Trump supporters and other political opponents,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Any other police department in America would be investigated and defunded for such abusive secrecy. The Pelosi Congress is in cover-up mode regarding January 6.”

There is so much to be annoyed about, but I’m mostly annoyed that people read this and legitimately might think that other police departments are getting investigated and defunded for…well, anything.
Or that the Dems, who wanted a bipartisan investigation, but were thwarted, are the ones attempting a cover up.
These people, they make a me crazy!


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It’s pretty “funny” that the media is clutching their pearls over “the right to a speedy trial” when black men are regularly held without charges or while waiting for trial for years. Then there’s Guantanamo, where they’ve been holding suspects for decades without charges or even a hearing.


A well-funded POS.


Incompetence should not override the clear desire for the outcome.


Hey - they’re putting an FBI informant in prison? What charges were dropped that we don’t know about?


Getting arrested on the 5th kind of seemed like they were yanking him out of it to avoid entrapment defenses for the rest, except that this was also the FBI that apparently didn’t see it coming.


Ordered not to see, maybe.

Still- they’re getting best value out of him. Now that he’ll be informing from prison.


And now this:

A federal judge wants prosecutors to explain whether they considered a correspondent for the right-wing website Infowars a member of the media when charging him with participating in the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.

FWIW, that’s the same judge from last week, after the guy in a truck shut down the area around the Capitol.

And another in the <s>“Sure glad to see someone landing on their feet”</s> dep’t.:

A man accused of helping to coordinate a self-styled militia’s incursion into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was released Monday to home confinement after arguing his wife would keep him from falling back into extremist views… Only after a federal judge agreed to release Joseph Hackett did a prosecutor mention that his wife, Deena, hosted a political podcast … in which she described her husband as a “political prisoner” who was “trying to preserve … this country.” The podcast also includes references to far-right conspiracy theories… U.S. District Judge Amit B. Mehta said “it would have been good to know” about the podcast “before I released him into the home.” But he still allowed Hackett to leave jail on an added condition that he not participate in the podcast or use a cellphone.


About time we saw some pushback:


Crossposted in “Trump the Chump”.


This has all happened before.

An abbreviated tale of Smedley D. Butler, the ‘fighting Quaker’ recruited to overthrow President Roosevelt

“ Then, over the succeeding months, it became apparent the businessmen wanted Butler to help lead a coup that would effectively disempower president Franklin D. Roosevelt.

They wanted Butler to run a military state”

“ Then, over the succeeding months, it became apparent the businessmen wanted Butler to help lead a coup that would effectively disempower president Franklin D. Roosevelt.

They wanted Butler to run a military state”

“ The offer included promises of financial support and 500,000 men to literally march on the White House and remove FDR.

According to Butler…some of the most powerful men in the country were involved…including the DuPonts and Prescott Bush (George HW Bush’s grandfather).”


Interesting read. (Especially loved the dating tips for women!)

All that stood between an authoritarian capitalist regime and democracy was a military officer who upheld his oath to the Constitution. Sounds vaguely familiar. :thinking:


I am utterly caught on the word ‘Quaker’ and can’t move forward from that to understand the cognitive dissonance at play here.




While this is the first time Lt. Byrd has appeared on camera, his name has been passed around on rightwing message boards and social media for a while now. He has gotten death threats, his family has been threatened, and, quite frankly, this is probably not going to make things any better.

In the days after Jan. 6, Byrd’s name leaked out in right-wing media and online forums. Then came the threats.

“They talked about killing me, cutting off my head,” Byrd said, adding that there were also racist attacks.
“It’s all disheartening, because I know I was doing my job.”

The hardest part, he said, has been the effect on his family. A tear slid out of Byrd’s eye and trickled down his right cheek as he lamented how the life he built has been upended.


This is the first time I hear his name. I had thought it was a closely-guarded secret. But if it was already circulating around far right message boards I guess he decided it wasn’t worth keeping it private anymore. Those that are dangerous to him already know his name anyway.

I do wonder whether there is an investigation into who leaked the name in the first place.


I just hope this doesn’t get thrown out (or overturned on appeal) because they had inadequate (albeit privately retained) representation or some such.

EDIT: Should come as little or no surprise that someone so closely aligned with Trump has had their practice implode, (at least) twice. This was on the front page of this morning’s WaPo but, curiously, I can’t find any mention of it on their website.