Auction: Kelly LeBrock's studded leather jacket from Weird Science

Or as I called it, “New Kids on LeBrock.”


Okay, 20 minutes in I had to abandon ship.

As a whole, I could sense a lack of a true plot development - insecurity with women as a catalyst is rather weak.
But that early scene in the nightclub? Sorry, I couldn’t sit through that. People think Long Duc Dong was bad enough…
I know John Hughes’ films are rife with patriarchal white privilege, but Weird Science is one I couldn’t be on board with, even when I was 18 and didn’t understand the term patriarchy.

Coincidentally, I think this is what Pee Wee’s Big Adventure (released one week apart) got right in the Tequila scene. Reubens, Hartman, and Varhol didn’t stoop to racial stereotypes in a similar setup to a similar joke.

You need to watch it all for it to work.

Despite how it begins, Weird Science is surprisingly feminist by the end. It’s something of a deconstruction of the normal teen sex comedy tropes.


At our house, we once again had a debate about whether or not we have space for an 18’ lawgiver statue.

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