Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/25/autis.html
Parenting! This lady is doing it right!
I think I got something in my eye.
Clever girl.
Me: Cute!
Me: oh, duh!
I would snap a shot of the kid’s face while he’s asleep then photoshop it onto the T-Rex costume… and large enough to cover the T-Rex’s entire head.
This is seriously the best thing ever
These photos are unacceptable as a form of identification. He’s going to be deported to the London Natural History Museum.
I’m calling it early: this is the most goddamn sweetest* thing I’ve seen for the week. Probably also the month.
*Rdundant superlatives: for those occasions where you can’t sufficiently verbalize your pure joy.
This is awesome.
Just as well. Can you imagine a barkeep’s embarrassment when he realises that he’s just carded someone that’s 86 million years old?
Note to self: buy t-rex costume for future photography sessions.
That is the cutest thing. Such awesome photos too.
This post is a good excuse to post this.
Came here for this, leaving happy, etc. etc.
Also, re. original pics - that is not just “a T. Rex costume”, that is a fantastically high-quality T. Rex costume!
Well done sir, well done.
This mom is a professional onion cutter in addition to being a professional photographer.
Well played, mom, well played.