It’s hard not to view Disney’s firing of their CEO yesterday as at least tangentially related to this possibly massive miscalculation.
Wow, that’s actually a real product!
Amazing that they aren’t taking advantage of the obvious marketing opportunities for the cereal that was so prominently featured in Andor.
As the Doughboys and the Blank Check crew recently remarked, they really missed a trick by not making Tony blue. He already looks like an avatar blue cat creature
So a bunch of mostly-positive reviews for the movie are coming out today, and surprisingly a lot of them are saying that Cameron did a good job with the story this time, not just the visuals. Guess time will tell if it’s actually worth heading to the theater for.
I enjoyed the original, even on re-watching it recently. The new one: I’m going to ignore the reviews and just go.
But then again, I also enjoyed Cats (admittedly while a wee bit tipsy).
My daughter says my total lack of taste could only be explained by my having COVID.
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