Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/26/babies-hate-grass.html
“It’s the floor but … it’s alive! Duz not want!”
Grass can be itchy and mildly unpleasant to walk on depending on the kind it is. Amusingly I used to have a dog that also hated walking on grass and would avoid it as much as he could
That would be me. I don’t like the way grass feels on my feet. My feet are unusually smooth and soft for my age.
This was me as a baby. When my mom needed to get something done she could put me on a blanket on the grass and I wouldn’t move an inch from the blanket. More effective than a play pen, because I was really good at climbing out of my play pen.
Since the one baby also avoids the water, I wonder if they’re exhibiting an instinctual aversion to unfamiliar terrain, something that perhaps favored survival in prehistory before we has astroturf?
The babies hear the screams from the individual blades of grass which are a frequency only they can hear because, pseudo science.
Jean Claude hates highway:
Wow, I had never really appreciated the core strength babies have. Those maneuvers are amazing.
but loves truck
It’s only through extensive cultural training that we lose that instinctive fear of carbon-intensive wastes of urban space.
Blades of grass are pretty pokey on naked skin, especially tender baby skin. You gotta just plop down so they’re not stabbing you with the pointy bit.
Is that why the video cuts off before the adults let go, so we can’t see the babies levitate?
Early, future superhero, hovering powers were being thwarted! Bad parenting.
Big AstroTurf doesn’t want the truth to be known.
Why don’t babies like grass?
It helps that their limbs are tiny.
They are weird.
Two words. First word: TICKS. Second word: LYME.
Lyme Disease Action page
Callouses on the feet are easy to take for granted at this end of the time tunnel. But with skin that thin, and that squishy, hell no, I wouldnt like grass either!