Baby peacock shows off its tiny feathers for the first time

I wonder how one would get a hold of a live peachick, and why, having done so, throw it out?!
Glad he’s found a good home after all.

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Who tf throws a baby chick in the trash? Ugh. Glad he’s ok though! So adorable

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My stepmother had some peafowl when I was a bobling. Originally it was just the one blue peacock, but then she got two baby white ones. When they became peateens, you’d see them tentatively fanning their tails, and then within 30 seconds you would see a fancy blue thunderbolt of pure rage hurtling towards them. That was one vengeful bird.

(There were some peahens too, but those are basically just pheasants)


Sounds like high school all over.


When I graduated college, there was a peacock back in the woods by the president’s house. After a few years, there were a bunch hanging around campus, and apparently they were as much of a PITA as geese. They’re aggressive and they poo on everything. Eventually the college managed to trap them and get rid of them.

I wonder if he gets tired of the phrase “dandelion of the apocalypse”?

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“menacing” baby animals;


Thankfully, researchers assure us that the link between use of the phrase “ur mouse is a goth, lol” and rabies remains one of intriguing correlation rather than demonstrated causation; because your mouse is definitely a goth.


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