Bad dad Elon Musk blames a "woke mind virus" instead of himself


Indeed. Feces have important functions in ecosystems, and are thus beneficial for the planet, unlike Elon Musk, contrary to all his self-promotion as some sort of eco-savior…


I think some of the most enraging and openly evil rhetoric the right spews is saying “mind virus” when what they really mean is a bare minimum level of human empathy. They think that all humans should be brutal, selfish, compassionless bigots, then dare to act like anyone who is better than that is somehow broken or compromised.


The only person infected by a mind virus here is obviously Musk.


To “yes, and” this a bit, I figure every billionaire is a living caricature of why billionaires should not exist!




Weighing Options Are You Sure GIF

I think this is a case of him showing us who he REALLY is and who he has always been. Not sure why we should feel any sympathy for his fascist ass. He made the choice to publicly attack his own kid. He can fuck off.


Oh, I don’t feel sorry for him. I’m sorry if I didn’t communicate that well. I feel sorry for his daughter, and the cesspool he’s turned Twitter into and all the damage that’s done because his fragile ego couldn’t take it.


Thanks for the clarification; I did start wondering where young, female donkeys entered into this.


I can sort of understand not really understanding what it’s like to be trans; I don’t fully get it myself, being cis.

What I really can’t wrap my head around is why it would be difficult to say to your kid, “I don’t really get it, but this is clearly important to you so I’ll do my best to support you however I can.” Instead, he’s going full Denethor (well, not quite full yet, but there’s definitely something self-destructive about his behavior).


There is a huge difference between not being able to see the colour green, and denying that green exists despite scientific evidence showing it does, claiming that anyone who says they can see green is delusional and that the idea that green exists is a Marxist conspiracy.


Lessig twitter post:

Been there, didn’t do that. You didn’t lose a son, brother; you abandoned a child. Disengage your ego, and embrace parental love.


Yeah I guess that’s what I was getting at; I don’t really understand the utter lack of empathy necessary to go from the one to the other. From what I can tell, actively being trans makes your life significantly harder, even in the best case situation where everyone’s supportive and you have access to the medical assistance you need. To me, that alone should be sufficient to acknowledge that the person in question feels very strongly about it, because otherwise why would they bother with it?

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I get what you’re trying to say here, but I don’t really like the framing. I’m trans, it’s just who I am. I don’t need people to question whether or not I ‘feel very strongly about it’ or if I meet a certain level of suffering in order to be accepted as myself, I just need them to leave me the hell alone and let me live my life.


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