I keep getting a Bad Request error when I try to visit BB articles from the bbs post “originally posted at” link. I can reach those same articles just fine from the main blog view (which I seldom do normally…)
UPDATE: not an issue in Firefox, but IS an issue in Chrome
UPDATE: (maybe obvious) but if I remove the long-ass _ga= variable, it also works fine.
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Size of a request header field exceeds server limit.
I was getting that problem for a couple days in my RSS Reader (Feedly). If I clicked on the title that normally goes to the article on the website I would get the bad request error. I could go to the home page of the website and find the story or go to the forum and find it there.
In my case it was happening on Windows 7 (I know, I know) with both Firefox and Chrome.