Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/28/bad-things-happen-when-local-t.html
Aw… I though they was cute in a dad-humor way.
A t-shirt gift from my daughter.
I’m pretty sure they speak like that every day. What’s the story here?
It’s even in their station slogan, “Keep’n it ,
% of the time.”
I liked it, and good on them for being mindful of the kids. Ya, it is hokey, but I believe they were not trying to mask this.
Stuff like that irritated the crap out of me when I was a kid. Still does for that matter.
I teach high school and have never heard any of these words. What grade level are they “relating” to?
I don’t know. Didn’t cringe too much, just got carried away by the joy they seem to have had doing that skit ^^
I has a sad.
What kid is watching the news?
Please don’t let me become people trying to make “cool 90’s kids” commercials for my generation
I think that those child newscasters should get off my fuckin’ lawn.
It me in 2019 and I’m only 40!
Well, at least no one tried to Running Man or Cabbage Patch. So I say that’s a win.
Automatic disqualification on Jeopardy.
“Tune in next week for our Juggalo-speak Newscast, Whoop Whoop!!!”