Badass Dragon Scavengers of the Void - Final Round - Bastion

Well, a part of one!


Great. Just great. Look what he smeared inside my brain-bucket:


OhmygoshIcan’tbelieveit! Are you really getting married? Do you uh… have a flower girl yet? Just, ya know, uh, asking. Did you know I can look like a moose? Did you? Did you know that the captain of a ship can marry people? Is this still even still a ship? I think you have to have witlesses if you are going to get married. Some of us can be witlesses. Grandpa says the day he got married was the best day of his life, 'cause it was the last time Grandma said “yes” to him. I don’t know what that means. Anyhow. Can space moosers get cooties?


Princess Rembrandt: “Here at Radio Free Coleridge, where the end is near, it’s sometimes nice to remember that somebody else is, too. You know, Life’s not all smash-and-grab, but it certainly starts out that way. As two sweet meese are just about to find out for themselves. You two, finding warmth out here in the cold…this one is dedicated to the crimson and cloven Browf and Dakota! Congratulations, you love-struck ungulates!”


Dakota asks, "Hey @Kassandra or @DSV_Coleridge – whoever is actually a captain? We’re, er, engaged to be wed as of now… Could you like, marry us, before we hit an escape pod? There doesn’t seem to be much of a way for us to help here, and we’d just be getting in the way.

Browf chimes in, "and as a celebratory gift, we’ll give this (worthless) 180Ʉ to whoever decorates our escape pod. I’ll even give someone an item of ours of their choice, for helping out [[with a photoshop or something]] with the wedding. But for now, "



  > iotrap.glutnix: 0x2d7b671354f3732d7bd1ad5fe38531fff26b38a4

“Roger that, glutnix! Your orders now on file for this round are:”

✔ mission 5

Which pod is yours?

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“The closest one, the one … somehow already labeled… “JUST MARRIED”…? You guys sure don’t waste any time…”



would this style of invitation work?

Your wedding cake

and the Groom’s Cake

If it’s ok with you, I’ll would like to take the U “in escrow” and direct it to the where it’ll have the most impact.

Also, since you won’t need your stuff anymore, could I ask you to to

TRADE Analytical_potato @Donald_Petersen



"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness, of hatred, of jealousy, and, most easily of all, the gate of fear. —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr



Oh, also, privately, just between you and I.

We scientists might be lying about all this Mission 4 business, it might just be my way of getting back at you.

Sleep tight before heading out, I’m sure it’ll go super well for you.


“Hm. Presuming you’ve either worked out an agreement with your fellow herdmate or aren’t worried about the repercussions, I can certainly act in that capacity. Kassie can’t, no matter what she might tell you.”


I always sleep with one set of eyelids open.


Mission 4 Update

The Vox Populii have spoken clearly:

###Tex ASS will be taking the crucial segment 4 attack run against the bogey

Given the already filed mission orders, I estimate TEX’s SEN +SCI will be 94 when he initiates the attack run-- meaning he needs one more gift of SCI or SEN to get to 100 and guarantee that no one on Mission 2 will have to fight.

Tex starts with 56.

  1. Tex is using 110 GREEN on his parabolic_antenna, which should add least +9.
  2. Prickle pants is applying 78 “GREEN” to a Mass Spectrometer trading to Tex, which should be at least +11
  3. Naughty Boy and Philosolobster are each trading a fluorometer +12
  4. Sweetness is trading targeting_algorithm for +6.

I have a spare fluorometer that I’d gladly trade to send him off the ship.

Trade @Donald_Petersen fluorometer

  > iotrap.steampunkbanana: 0xa7b46c2489705bf81dfbbc20deb07f66362720af

“Roger that, steampunkbanana! Your orders now on file for this round are:”

✖ trade @donald_petersen fluorometer 
   [ERR] Player 'fluorometer' does not appear to exist in this reality. :(

Trade fluorometer @Donald_Petersen

Have fun in Valhalla!

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  > iotrap.steampunkbanana: 0x48e568b84ea3b956290bde1aa098553656fa498e

trade @donald_petersen fluorometer

“Roger that, steampunkbanana - the above orders have been discarded. Your new orders on file are:”

✔ trade fluorometer @donald_petersen

If I may be so bold as to offer some floral services?

::sob:: I’m gonna moose… I mean, MISS youse – you – two.


Did I miss the ceremony?

Sorry I’m late - I was making you a wedding quilt!

Good luck, you two!


[Note to the rest of you scavengers: if you find any big holes in any of the clothing you brought on board, it sure wasn’t me who did that. Nope. Must’ve been space moths.]


Hey, Naughty​ Boy @uphill!

I’m sitting on some spare Gold. Might be useful to you if you’re putting your ass on the line for us. It’s just gonna slow me down.

If I give you both my Golds, could you pass one on to Prickledrawers @daneel, there? I’m told I’m limited to one trade, and that’d help me out, if you’re not already trading something.