Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round Seven Missions

~Honey looks towards the loot, squinting one eye as the smoke from her cigarette curls around it. Drawing the ciggie from her mouth and blowing out a puff of smoke she starts~

What kind of a worthless bastard steals a child anyway! I’m going after the kid!!

but… in order to be able to do that I need to up my SP, MV and especially my LK significantly. I’ve been one unlucky bitch this whole time, so I wouldn’t mind getting one of those statuette’s if the group permits?
Without it I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to return back… Considering I’m starting to run low on gas. It would be just my luck to get stranded right before getting to the kid too… Anyway.

If there’s any chance in the word, I’d like to get these. So that I can get that kid back!

  • A private lesson from the Starfleet Academy Textbook
  • Horga’hn Statuette
  • Nike Flyknit Lunar 1+ Mult size women’s 9

Let me know if that’s possible guys and gals.


I think you and Bill (each with 18 LK) would be the right people for this sort of dashboard figurine.

If you’re doing Mission 1 I’ll be headed out on Mission 2 then and will stake a claim to a Communicator and (2) total Dilithium Crystals to go with my Mark I Phaser (pew pew!).

Jane, out of curiosity, are there any more lucky toes kicking around?


I had dibs on the star fleet textbook, but if I can take the alternating capacitor and a dilithium crystal instead I don’t mind changing.


Ahh … I rather liked the look of the R-PAC as well. Brits always know a shiny thing when they see one!




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Wrestle for it?

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Who has fewer fingers?

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Did De’Ath not end up with 33 of them? I say a bottle of whiskey each, and hands tied behind the back.

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No, I meant on their hands. The fewer fingers you have the less protection you really need from zombies, what are they going to take from you at this point?

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Aha. I have 8. Well, 8.12. Either the zoms didn’t get a good clean chew, or they’re re-generating.


I have six attached, and eight unattached. Don’t ask.

I don’t need the RPAC. My AR is somewhere well N of 100 anyway.

SP and MV need buffing. I’d like the textbook but would take lots of crystals instead :slight_smile:


Well, now, all I want to do is ask.

How many crystals is “lots”?

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Five would be nice :slight_smile:


I haven’t heard of anyone else other than you (5), The Major (1) and I (2) calling for any of them yet, so it’s still early. I think 5 might be a stretch at this point but we’ll pencil it in.

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No one ever questioned your bloodline.

Though, twas only your accent that allowed us to place that bloodline closer to Maddiston than Madison.


Lucky toes “kicking around”, I gotcha.

Well, I wasn’t going to mention it but Fleetwood was quite the… thorough collector, and had a few shoes that had washed up in Vancouver with feet - just feet - still inside them. I’m not one to get my hands dirty so I haven’t checked if the toes found within are lucky, any volunteers?


I’m on it.


You moved a little too quick on that one, Broseph.



Wrong part of the country, dear boy. Marazion would be closer.

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