Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round Seven Results

At least wait until we’re in orbit.

Now we don’t have to go all the way to Mars do we? That’s several months of flight time I could do without…

I dunno, Word. I mean, I don’t like long journeys any more than the rest of us, but setting that thing off on Earth sounds kinda, well, genocidal.

Besides, I know nuking the site from orbit is the only way to be sure, but when it comes to dealing with our antipodean antagonist, I’d prefer the personal touch. We have unfinished business to attend to. Two men enter, one man leaves.

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The Riders to Mars had slowly made their way back to the convoy. Silently the various vehicles maneuvered through the wasteland. Nobody seemed to want to contemplate the loses of yesterday.

Bill was forlorn, Clank had become like a brother to the old mechanic, and now he was in pieces on the hook of his Tow Truck. Fleetwood had viciously stripped the vital parts of the Reverend’s ride!

Bill had vowed to himself and The Craftsman that he would stop Fleetwood and his flunky, Toecutter when he had attempted to imbue his Wrench with Badassdom. He now knew he had failed, so he decided to take a new oath.

“From here on out, I will repair for the sake of fixin’ and no longer work for profit Baby-girl…” Bill said to his little buddy. “The Craftsman has guided us this far, and we shall not turn back!”



This is the loneliest thread.


We lied about each others drinks.
We lived without each other thinkin.’

What anyone would do,
Without me and you?

You mention the time we were together.
So long ago, well I don’t remember.
All I know is that it makes me feel good now.


Are you lonesome tonight,
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?


@SteampunkBanana @funruly @Donald_Petersen

…Don’t give up until you drink from the silver cup,
and ride that highway in the sky
[to Mars]…


I have it on good authority you are not lonely at all…


Hello everyone… remember me?

I’m profoundly sorry at how long I’ve been AFK. I won’t bore you with details, but professional and personal chaos has kept me completely away from all the fun corners of life and the internet for way too long now… and I apologize most abjectly for not giving you guys at least a heads-up that I was still aboveground, and hadn’t forgotten all about you in the wasteland. My pilot is freshly delivered and looks to be a success, and a somewhat heartbreaking family situation has finally been resolved in as good a manner as could be hoped for, and unfortunately both situations required all my attention to the exclusion of everything else in order to reach the resolutions they reached. I had to (temporarily at least) sacrifice BDW on the altar of RL, and now I aim to do my best to make it up to you all. Two rounds remain before the Ark blasts off for Mars. The first of these will be up in the next day or so.

In my usual cheerfully larcenous spirit of the game:

The sphere in black fled across the desert, and the gunslingers followed.

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Ladies and gentlebeings, fresh developments are afoot.

Thank you again for your patience.