Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round Three

I’m already in for 2Aa, shall we join up and give them hell?

I’ll do my best to keep up.


~Clank: mood = scary~

~Clank surreptitiously wheels over to the now exhumed carcass of the former cyber-dog. Seeming channeling the activities of ancestors who may have pronounced the family name differently, the mechanic furtively pulls the mechanical parts of limbs from the now putrefying corpse, a weird gleam evident in the headlights.~

~Later, Clank is seen arranging cannibal toes at the end of puppy limbs, twisting bailing wire and duct tape into shapes that even those things were never intended to form.~

((ooc: @JonasEggeater @penguinchris prosthetic fingers? It. Could. Work! ))


Honey smiles a wide tooth-bearing grin followed by a confident and adventure-hungry :

And don’t you worry about falling behind mr. Baltar, you aint so slow yourself."


Okay people, it seems like we need all three missions accomplished.

I think most of the mechanics will be busy having their revenge on Stretch in Mission One.

2Aa is a good match for scouts and 2Ab is good for escorts. That leaves a few holes in 2B (High EN+LK, with AR being a minor and being good at puzzles) and 2C (TQ, with SP or EN minors) so probably a mule and some escorts, or a torquey scout.

Mission three needs at least 1 mule and probably a few escorts.

Out of all those 2B has probably only a few candidates. Clank is probably going to be busy in Mission 1, so next highest people with EN are Jim (@Sarcadian), Bubbba (@bizmail_public), Honey ( @kyntha) and me, Channing.

Anyone who has an EN mission should bulk up.

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and @SteampunkBanana

I’m up for joining you two on 2Aa - count me in?

I have an open channel for donors to be in touch, but the open market doesn’t look to provide what Perky’d need to make a meaningful, un-autodestructive contribution, so I’d need to be provided FP and AR, maybe EN, to get into those!


I’m afraid my help is already promised to mission 2aA and a promise is a promise. Unless you really and truly need me and everyone else is too chicken to step up. But I can’t imagine that being the case, right?
Bubba ( @bizmail_public ) for the mission, right? He has the highest EN, far as I can tell.


Major Joseph, of course it don’t work, just look at the barrell

Good luck finding a piece of tubing of that diameter and with steel of such strength to handle .50 cal, the only thing in that class is…the plumbing used on Gen I SHITGO thrones made by Caterpillar.

Hey, did anyone see a bulldozer or other heavy machinery Stretch’s junkyard?


I’m afraid of sending someone on their lonesome to hack all 10 elevators. They’d probably get electrocuted first. Channing doesn’t believe in luck like that.

Though looking through this again, your luck stat is almost as bad as mine, and you have less armor to boot for failed tries, so maybe you should stick with Aa.

Jim (@Sarcadian) and Bubba (@bizmail_public) you both have quality rides and lots of rabbit feet, maybe you want to commit to this one? I can help out to cut down the number of doors but my luck is pretty low, so I expect to be shocked a bit.

(@JonasEggeater) Stretch, you grouchy bot, a friend of mine wants to know if you’ll temporarily remove some high quality parts, since you seem to not want to sell anything decent. Maybe you’ll have more fun partially dismantling our cars to lower our EN group value.

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Good point, I’d forgotten about that part. I guess I must’ve heard speed and tuned out after that! Well… I suppose the success of all missions is more important than the fun of it, isn’t it?..

@SteampunkBanana and @peregrinus_bis would you forgive me if I switched to mission 2B? Looks like they need my EN…


You know Major, you can always paint your new ride pink in honor of your fallen comrade…
I present: Pinky Too!


We all have to go where we are needed. Your EN30 is certainly a strength that cannot be ignored.

See you back at the Ark.


You heard the boys. I go where I am needed. I’m with you at 2B.

(ooc gotta go edit that form!)


Desmond, I’m with you.

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Glad to have you on board! We ladies need to stick together. Don’t forget to buy some high quality parts and… yuck cannibal toes. Should anyone in 2B wipe out I will share any drops with you to get you back up to speed in the next round.

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My condolences to any screamers that might want to chat.


… All the way.

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@Donald_Petersen @JonasEggeater @penguinchris

((ooc: I will be only tenuously online beginning tomorrow (6 Feb) mid-day, through Saturday (8 Feb) mid-day. I have the opportunity to volunteer to help at a free dental services event in a nearby town, and I don’t know how easily I will be able to get internet access when I am off-duty.))


10-4, good buddy.

Hey everyone! I sent you all a message which has a link to all of the resources which all you folks might want to reference. Please let me know if you didn’t get my message.


… into the lovely world your artistry creates.

@SteampunkBanana, and all those who admire beauty amidst this desolation.


I think I have a new song for Junior (@funruly) to crank up: