Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round Three

All right, everybody SHADDAP a minute! All this yammering on and on about loyalty and dead mutts when I’m trying to get the sleep that every fucking one of you needs to get before we ride tomorrow!

Knife, you gotta let it go. Plenty of people took their lumps in that tunnel, and you weren’t the only one who lost something near and dear to your heart. Nobody betrayed you, not according to all the reports and data I’ve received from everyone who was there. Your ride took more damage than she could bear, and for that we’re all sorry. But you could see the dog was no longer a threat. Gonville De’Ath fired the shot that disarmed it, and after that the dog chose to accompany De’Ath. I know some of that dog’s programming, and I suspect it’d have been pretty useful in the right hands. It was not your place to decide its fate.

And Jack, goddammit, you gotta let it go too. The dog. The fucking dog. It was more machine now than mutt, twisted and… okay, not evil, just horrifically uncomfortable in that stupid plastic suit, and the little guy didn’t know his own strength. Can’t really blame him for lashing out… But even though everybody is exhausted and grieving and not thinking straight, you gotta remember: that collection of titanium, fur, polystyrene, and wet-carpet-smell was a lethal enemy that caused real and permanent and lasting damage. The very idea that any of you could form anything like an emotional bond with the fucking thing mere months (let alone seconds) after it was doing its level and very competent best to turn you all into its personal chewtoys is beyond stupid… it’s in-fucking-sane!

In his grief and rage, Knife threatened the widdle snookums. And when De’Ath turned out to have the only rational response possible after it finally found something it really shouldn’t eat, he got to be the one catching all the shit.

I never should have let that thing come back here into camp, and do you know why, Jack Burton, Junior? Do you know why, Channing Hunter? Do you know why, Knife?

I’ll ask again, Jack: do you know why?! It’s because you’re not mature enough to take care of something like that without making a titanic mess of it! Never mind a cybernetically-enhanced guard dog trained and programmed to tear your liver out through your nostrils while preserving any sensitive data that might be recovered from your cerebrum after the fact. You couldn’t even take care of a BABY!!!

Now every last one of you get back in your bunks and forget any of this ever happened!

-(heavy breathing)-

Get to bed. All of you.

I’m gonna dig up that stinking pile of circuits and fur myself. He’s got something I still need.


Wash here. Just to diffuse any potential tensions which arise because of this Clank/UAW separation, I would recommend that any who gets a free repair make a donation to the union fund. Just let me know that you want to, and I’ll make sure to get it down in my logbook.


[Channing tosses a match and steps back to gaze at the hypnotic flames]

Well Clank, (@davide405) if this doesn’t get rid of an infestation, I don’t know what will. I’m sure this will buff out, right? Once these flames go out, can you work your magic on my Hilux? You’re still welcome to the 2LP we hashed out earlier. The harsh deal is that no one here can get me up to full HP besides that bot, and these upgrades Stretch is offering isn’t quite my style.

I passed a crazy gypsy woman along the way. She says you mechanics have souls the shape of seeds. I’m not sure what that means, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to grow a little and buff up your rides where you can. Maybe you can use it to upgrade your EN or pass it along to those fine Union folk.

[Channing turns and shouts]

Hey Stretch, you hear that? I need a repair kit for 8LP!

[Channing counts slowly with her fingers]

Well, hey! I think I have 12LP left over after all that. What I’ll spend it on depends on where I’m needed. I do like to shoot things so I’m best suited for Mission 2Ab or Mission 3 However, if you ask me for an Escort in a different sector I might just do that too, provided it seems reasonable enough.

Anyway, I don’t like the look of Stretch’s parts. Does anyone have armor or guns for sale?


Quick question before you go to bed.

You think I’m going to get that moonshine back from those guys?

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~Clank: mood = weird~

~Clank watches the flames, the light flickering oddly in the reflectors around the headlamps, then nearly whispers a reply~

I read… I read about this, but… I never thought t’ see it with my own two eyes. In the before time, it was said this model, this here Toyota Hilux couldn’t even be killed by FIRE.

I understand now… I see… I believe…

This is a cleansing… an awakening…

I don’t need plates. The chance to wield a wrench is all I need.

~Clank sets to the repairs with a fervor that matches the cleansing heat of the former flames.~


If there’s one thing I’ve learned out in the wasteland (it’s in the prologue to my book), it’s that if you give someone a drink out here, you’re not going to see it back. But you will have a loyal comrade, who someday will be the one giving you a drink.

And what do you know… I have a bit of moonshine in my trunk as well. Again, don’t like the taste. There’s not much left… but while the bottle is dusty, the liquor is clean. You’re free to have a swig or two if you want.


Clank tells Bill the BUM a secret…

Bill silently joins Clank, almost trance-like, wrenching on any repair Clank put’s in front on him…

the BUM sounds like he’s mumbling: ‘radiator, water pump, thermostat…’ and chanting incoherently to himself, with a far off look in his eye…


Gentleman, in the absence of clear indications, I suggest we divvy equal measures by three. We need to move fast to a decision or the mission will proceed with these valuable ornaments in indecision limbo, which isn’t a manoeuvre any of us should relish.

I’m a happy-go-lucky with a gun sort, so if you prefer to retain anything with your name on it, I’m entirely neutral and will neither hold it against you nor remind you of it nor bear a grudge nor clean my Accuracy Inc rifle in contemplation of it nor steam quietly in a corner. Divvying up free loot is a regular thing in my professional experience, and the bubbling emotional buoyancy of the whole thing can do more to julienne team spirit than the maximisation of individual benefits.

I will provisionally plan on a three-way split, but also provisionally plan on a differentiated split by ignoring anything without my moniker on it. So we don’t get caught out.

My current Scout status means 2Aa is looking viable, Perky needs a good clean run to get her strength up. I’ve put in to the CO querying the effects of a switch to Escort, we’ll see what Blazer thinks.

The whole blood thing? Thicker than water, eh?


Dorcas (@awjt) and Jack (@drman321)

Some things don’t appear divisible - 2 x +25FP guns (@kingannoy), and 1 x +15 AR (@funruly).

Draw lots? Again, happy to take what I can get, so if you’ve a strong preference, go for it!

Otherwise LPs total to 26, which is about 9 each (rounding up).

Assigning to named donees only (@penguinchris’s chit)
20 global -> 7 each (rounding up)
4 joint Major and Dorcas -> 2 each
2 direct to Jack …

Eh? Bloody hell I’m good with the numbers. As luck would have it, that makes 9 each. Not much argument over what to do!

All this warms the cockles of my bloody heart.

You lot are sweetness and kindness embodied - maybe if I cook up a cuzzah with a couple GMd chilis from Harbin (pollution did it, rather than clever molecular tinkering), we can get a TURBO SHITGO output, eh?


Blazer (@Donald_Petersen) -

Picking through the disgusting mess of Pinkie’s remains I’ve found a few little things.

This is one:

Lots of ammo for it, but bloody thing won’t quite work.

.50 cal, good for anti-personnel and anti-‘materiel’ (blowing holes in stuff). Range - ha! Used this to take out a pimp beating one of Petrof’s gals at 2,200 metres.

Any chance we could fix it? Might be a useful thing.


You guys can split to two ways. I don’t need any LPs at the moment and would rather the other drivers get fixed up and upgraded as well as they can.


Right. My thinking was this - make Perky the most useful asset she can be for the team, whatever that may take, on the basis that hubbing in a team gets better performance for the team members overall. But! If other drivers want fixing up and so on, those LPs, they’re up for grabs, so long as all’s fair, square, and tucked away neatly.

Don’t need the green-eyed monster or misty-eyed regrets showing up around here.


Hey Blazer, can you let Cougar know that Stretch @JonasEggeater doesn’t seem to be advertising any AR parts, and I’m afraid to ask what’s behind the counter on behalf of my preference for 2 kidneys. Ditto for the plumbing that used to upgrade TQ.


@drman321 already claimed that 15 armor I took off to install the EARACHE. He was the only one who asked after it, and though there was some…disagreement…as to whether or not he’d oblige the favor I was asking, I left it next to his 'Cuda when he was sleeping. It’s no longer in my possession, he’s welcome to do with it as he sees fit.


Right - I’m just going to roll with the outcomes!


I asked Stretch about that, and he replied with a bunch of “grumble, grumble” and something about needing the armor for something and that you all have high enough armor already.

Boy, were YOU ever right! Do I regret trying to trade now, I take it back. I take it all back! Man I need a ciggie.

And did I hear someone mention SP?? I’m on it! I already saw some takers for mission 2aA but if there’s ever a place where I belong it’s there. So I’m joining. Notta mention, I have some making up to do. Count me in.

With the 12LP there’s really not a lotta use I can get out of Stretch. I’ll just keep my -9HP as is I suppose. Wished I could up my AR for the mission but I guess that’s life. Got some extra FP out of the mission so I won’t be looking on that for upgrades. I could use some LK so I’ll go for a pair of Cannibal Toes. That leaves 10LP to spend
And Hm… Should I go for more MV or more SP?..
Tough… I want both… Maybe some Struts will do, for now. That way I could get me another extra pair of Toes for what the LP I got left.


Hrm…zz…oops. I was snoozing again, dreaming of harpooning cyber-scorpions
on the open range.

If it’s not too late, per my previous plans to help out the Major and McGee,
I give them 3 LP each.

Mission selection and upgrades forthcoming. Hasta pronto.


And a gentleman you are, Mr. Gomez!