Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Final Results

From: The Department of ME, TOO!
To: GM
CC: All Captains

Huge thank you to Captains and GM alike.

I…had…the time of my life… and I owe it all to you-oo-oo-oo-oo.

The creativity and co-operation in creating both story and characters, in supporting other players’ choices and contributions, was hugely enriching, and the most fun kind of role-playing, to my way of thinking. It was a joy and a privilege.

Happy trails to you all, and may it be a long time before you need a Drink With A Little Black Flag. May the ClutchMother bless you all.

Ssssss! Thhhhh!


Wooster brings the Grand Striped Blazer close to Duck’s Pond–about two small fighters long. He activates the parking autopilot, and leaves the cockpit, just to open up the nearby Master Closet. Everything that used to hang from the sides, or that lay on the shoe-rack, was now packed into various steel boxes. Wooster went towards the one labeled Pete in Fragile-stamp red, and picked it up. He would no longer need his old uniform…

“Eh?” Pete eyes the open box. He takes out a black and blue lined blazer and flips it from front to back, “That’s it?”

“My pride and joy,” Wooster pushes a button on his small droid, now projecting the suit en masse with a flashing neon title that read ‘How to Steward Like You Mean It’, “Back then anyway. Made some alterations to fit you.”

Pete hums, “Okay,” then flips the suit again, “You sure about this?”

“As promised on the tin anyway,” Wooster presses another button and the droid now projected that §tart-Loin hologram with newly-added spools and suits behind it, “As my neuro-mechanic would say, Mi armario es su armario,” he looks at his ship, which now shimmered in ROYGBIV, alternating between strands across the hull, “You would make a fine tailor.”

Duck slides a lager over towards Wooster, “So the Steward Fashionista’s no more?”

“Burned it with the Penny,” Wooster takes a sip, “With the last of the satin too.”

“Then,” Duck looks down at a flyer, “§tart-Loin. What’s the plan with it anyway?”

“It’s like when the blockchain up and borked,” he hands over a steel box, “But for real this time.”

Duck opens it up and takes out some yarn balls, a mini sewing machine, and a silk vest that he hangs behind the Baromatic Servo-Bot. He thinks twice and hangs the vest behind the jukebox instead, floral side first.

Wooster takes a look at the other box next to his stool with the label that read,

-A Sartorial Trendsetter is You.-

"So this is the a la mode?" Jonah walks out from the kitchen carrying some wires and a suitcase, starring at Duck’s box.

Wooster chuckles, “Did you enjoy the spectacle?”

“Spectacle,” Jonah plops the suitcase on the counter, “If you mean that fryktelig innredning, then nein,” he opens it up and takes out a transparent cable along with a circuit board, “Measure the doorway, el dice, soup to those hissing space lizards, el dice,” he raises the board at eye level along with the cable, “Wanted me to vote for some Nixon or something. Così fastidioso.”

Wooster shrugs, “Says the one who wanted me to keep the Steward life.”

“Anyway,” Jonah turns around, looking up at the flashing digital clock, “Dzięki za nic,” and goes back into the kitchen.

Duck comes back whistling, “That one’s a pushover. Thinks that this so-called grease den’s cramping his style.”

Wooster sighs, “All he knew was the augmentation labs. Before that it was the hair salon.”

“You’re kidding!”

Wooster took another sip, “I’ll tell you about it when the economy’s in season.”

Trendy, hip, and the in thing. These are only some of the phrases that ring through the fashion industry. But what's actually trending?

This is where YOU come in! Founded by former Steward, Sorbert Wooster, §tart-Loin turns clothes into currency for a world post space bits, which is only one thread weaving this thing.

Exchange suits, slacks, pajamas, and even sewing materials and then you become the trendsetter in the fashion economy. Forget the industry name-brand Cardigan Sweaters and blouses, §tart-Loin Closets like yours are what's hip by that old adage, "For the space-beings, by the space-beings!"

Volunteer your Closet or bureau with §tart-Loin today! Contact Sorbet Wooster at the CTTPS Anywhen key, 1574 19JE BER2, for more information.

Incoming Transmission…

It was Badass Space Dragon 2.0 that finally got me to sign up for the BBS. It was a long time coming, as a lurking Happy Mutant and with no regrets.

Thanks to @jlw for blogging about it in the first place, @patrace for creating the whole thing, @bizmail_public for the thorough mission analyses that kept this suit dry-cleaned for the early missions, and a special thanks to the fellow captains out there, flesh and corporeal. Goes without saying that your storytelling from mission to mission inspired me to take Captain Wooster’s story to a better, and much more consistent level. I enjoyed reading your own adventures!

See you next time (and around the forums)!


Months later, Browf and Dakota are at a company retreat on Kongakut-5.

Dakota: Say, whatever happened to that tiny ship you gave to Duck?

Browf: Bingo? I’m not entirely sure, I completely forgot about it. Huh.


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