An open message to our eight indebted ships: Dabohaze, Somewhat Broken Heart, Wildfire, Flying Chemex, HMS Gargle Blaster, Startlingly Improbable, Foil, and Top Hat & Spats
Consider Mission 1.
You can’t afford any mistakes at the moment. Mission 1 is the only mission almost certain to leave you with an almost unscathed ship. It’s also not a bad deal: Mission 1 will clear the debt for about half of you.
I can the understand the impulse to risk it all on mission three in attempt to climb out of debt as quickly as possible. But consider: you will almost certainly come back heavily damaged, with no way to pay for repairs. You will have traded virtual debt stored in some computer somewhere for a real loss where it matters: your ship.
Debt is just a negotiated deal. Anything that can be negotiated can re-negotiated. But damage to your ship is forever .
But I propose something more.
If you owe your banker a thousand pounds, you are at his mercy. If you owe your banker a million pounds, he is at your mercy."
– John Maynard Keynes
The eight of you should organize. Form a Debt collective. Agree to help other. As individual debtors, the strong can pick you off one-by-one. But as a collective, you represent one-fifth of all the known fire power in Charybdis. That’s a force to be reckoned with, and tough one for a debt collector to crack – if your ships are healthy.
Talk it over amongst yourselves, and decide what seems best for you.
“Self-interested cooperation is the basis for all success”
–David Falkayn
Captain, Muddlin’ Through
@SteampunkBanana @DreamboatSkanky @maxd @caffo @zaphodbblx @GlennF @miasm @BradfordBenn