Badass Space Dragon - Round 2 - Flapjacks

The TARD-iss:
Dammit, they shot up our collection of Venusian Malt. (You know, the best distilleries are those perpetual floating factories with one dip tube in the clouds and the other out in space.)
Spend $5k on repairs for 50HP, and $3400 on night classes for Captain Underpants.
Since we got swiss cheesed in the last mission, we are going to do Mission 2, the aptly named Wholesome Whole Grain Wheat operation, and hopefully score some bags of the stuff so we can make our own brew from scratch. Where is the liquor store? The crew and passengers are getting tired of vintage Bartles & Jaymes comet coolers. We need some of the hard stuff, STAT. As always, the GM is welcome to pony up to the Star Bar and have a $1 well drink, because, well, that’s all we have left at this point.

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