Badass Space Dragon - Round 4 - Kill Don Mondo

Ship: Insane1
Mission #2: Disrupt the coalition.

Mr. Falkayn - I have now influenced the captain into committing to Mission 2. Please update your records. - Mulder

Jewel of the Desert
Captain's Log Supplemental

The ship's computer informs me that we should commit to Mission 2, and throw in our hat (if only we could afford one) to the fight against the I.C.U.P. I am certain that our Space Lizard allies will likewise commit shortly.

On a personal note, I have the Organ Replicator Captain Ssssskipper sent over up and running. I am not yet sure if it will serve my later goals completely, but for now at least it seems to finally be a food source that my cat Dusty has no complaints about. I purchased some fancy cat food for him, but it has been sitting in the space pantry, untouched. Perhaps he is saving it for a special occasion. He has invented a game wherein he leaves organs (the heart is his favorite) around the ship to surprise me.

I found the space trucker jacket that belonged to the original owner of the Jewel in the locker room. I am not yet sure if I have half as much grit as he had, but I do have his jacket. And his ship.

Ship name: Fist post1

Starting cash: $900

3 jugs of rot-gut: $150
1 Hull Density Adjustment $520

Cash left: $230

Mission #2 disrupt the coalition

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Arcturan Cone of Silence-encrypted call partial transcript:

Captain Ssssskipper, hi. Yeah, this is Dusty. Dusty - the space cat? Hahaha, how you doing? Anyway, just wanted to call to say thank you for sending the captain your Organ Replicator. You guys really don't eat this stuff? It's great. Hmm? Am I calling you from the can? Ha, ha - of course not. Oh - ok. Well hey, great talking to you. Catch you later.

Nicely done, old boy. I see you’re putting those squishy, qualitiative “On Commanding” classes to good use. When you told me about that bulgogi, I remember feeling sorry for you having to sit in that classroom and be pummeled with drivel. Now, not so much. When all the dust and bits of starships settle, come by for a reminisce of old times, meet my crew and have a drink. Cheers, C.U.

p.s… If plan 5 materializes, I’m in. Otherwise, I’m sticking with Mission 1.

Good, stuff it into my fore hold next time we meet up. I’ll serve it to Don Mondo and his entourage when he pays a visit later tonight.

  _____         __                  __  ___     _    __       
 / ___/__ ___  / /  ___ __ _____   /  |/  /__ _(_)__/ /__ ___ 
/ /__/ -_) _ \/ _ \/ -_) // (_-<  / /|_/ / _ `/ / _  / -_) _ \
\___/\__/ .__/_//_/\__/\_,_/___/ /_/  /_/\_,_/_/\_,_/\__/_//_/

Carfax ran his fingers over the controls on the captains chair, his head bowed in contemplation. A nervous silence filled the bridge, his first officer stood alert, awaiting his response.
Loyalty had always seemed such a futile construct to Carfax. The weakest of all human emotions. Don Mondo had been a worthy business associate, nothing more. Would he be worth more dead or alive?
On the other hand, the I.C.U.P. were a thorn in the side of every smuggler and bandit who ever ran product in the system. But the poison of their corruption polluted the lives of every honest planetdweller. Carfax detested dishonesty. It did not compute.

“I want all repairs complete and ammunition fully stocked by morning watch tomorrow”

“By, by morning watch Captain?”

Carfax fixed his gaze on his quivering First Officer.

“The 'Maiden needs to space dock-fresh if we’re going to go head to head with an I.C.U.P. Advance Squadron”

Misson 2
Hat: Electro-Fedora $10000
Moonshine            $8000
Hull Repairs x 22    $2420
Bits and Pieces x 2  $1600
Deflecto             $3200
Double Mint Gun      $2000
Hull Density x 11    $5720
Total               $32940

Ship Name: Mistaker II
Mission: Disrupt the Coalition.

Ready when you are, Admiral.

Captain Rhaegar is not ‘considering’ taking out Don Mondo, he is expecting it

You don’t have to be crazy to take on the ICUP, but it helps!

Ship: The Slightly More Than Ordinary
Mission #2: Disrupt the coalition.

Sorry for my absence :slight_smile:

Ship: Nitimeistheritetime
Mission #2: Disrupt the coalition.

Our forces against ICUP are building, but we need others to take out Mondo.

@sam, @samsam, @jlw

Sign up now for glory (and money, and a better ship)! Mission #1: Kill Don Mondo.

Or, if you fancy building your Grit, choose Mission #2 : Disrupt the Coalition

Let us eat and drink; for tomorrow we die.

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Let there be no misssstake: the Deity will ssserve where she is most needed, but right now I have committed to Misssion #2: Disrupt the Coalition.

If the sssuccess of Falkayn’s overall plan requires me to shift objectives to Mission #1 before the end of today, then I shall, but otherwise, I’m on #2.

Status as of Noon PST, Saturday:

Plan 1 – Don’t Tread On US is a GO

8 ships have committed to Mission #1 – Kill Don Mondo
12 ships have committed to MIssion #2 – Disrupt the Coalition

5 active ships have not committed

7 ships have not been active and need to be contacted to join.

I have built this google doc spreadsheet to help track who is doing what. As today is about trust and cooperation, it is a fully editable public document. Corrections, Alterations, and additions are welcome.

Strategically, we are sound. Tactically, the Kill Don Mondo Mission needs a few more ships: they are currently at the very minimum to be a feasible mission. If you are on the Kill Don Mondo mission, you might want to reach out to the uncommitted so that you have a little more margin for error.

I have a lot more to say, but I my comm link is swamped and I have a lot to do.

we oughta even it out… can 1 or two ships switch to #1? might be able to cobble together some incentives…

Weird thing is, #1 is the mission with all the incentives already…

Predictably, at boing boing, we’re a bunch of anti-corporofascist revolutionaries.


I believe we will have enough ships to execute both mission successfully, especially if we get as few as two more to commit to MIssion #1.

First, five active ships haven’t committed (including me). As Daneel (Pusillanimous Patty) points out, the coalition is paying dearly for Mission #1 volunteers.

Second I am still recruiting people to the missions.

The missions don’t close until 11 pm PST, so we can wait. Better for everyone if each knows which mission they are pursuing and prepares accordingly.

–David Falkayn

In case I don’t make it to the desktop prior to this ending bongo fury is going

Mission 1
Full hull repairs
Increase hp x 4

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