Your nickname may be Pantiesss, but your actual nom de guerre right there on your Classss IX TT Type 40 operator’s license is “Captain Underpants.” Preserve what dignity you may.
Would “Undiesss” be a preferable term of endearment, you adorable little bartending, Coalition-fighting, space-BBQing, party-barge-having, impresssively begenitaled human, you?
I’ve been half tempted to ssstart calling you [Lindo.][1]
It seems likely that, as usual, additional grit will be distributed based on other factors. If you take Mission 3 and I take Mission 1 (and survive), it is not *necessarily* a certainty that I will win on GRIT.
However, that is still the likely path I will take
How could I possibly say “no” to a winking androgynous blue android?
I’ll take Mission 3, you take what you think best, and we’ll both have a great time. As Capt Nixon points out, Mission Three affords me a 100% chance of survival, which makes this star trader very happy.
Hull Repairs: -$4500, +45HP
Hull Density Upgrades x 20: -$10000, +20 Max HP
Super Mondo Cannon: -$18000, +20FP
Ultrabounce Deflecto Coating: -$18000, +20SH
Moonshine: -$9000, +10LK
Flowers x 2: -$80
BBQ Sauce x 2: -$100
Stardate 8
Jewel of the Desert
Accounting Ledger
Init. Balance $3700
Pete's Gift Card +50000
Receipt - Resistance Asteroid PX
Hull Repairs 50 @ $100 $5000
Super Mondo Cannon 1 @ $18000 $18000
Mini Mondo Gun 6 @ $2000 $12000
U.B.D. Coating 1 @ $18000 $18000
Total $53000
Mission 1
No Cost
Balance $700
This brings the Jewel of the Desert's stats to:
142 73 75 31 29 57
Computer analysis suggests the Jewel is guaranteed to survive this mission. FIVE enemy fighters is a threat, but even if they all caused maximum damage that is a total of just 67.5 HP. Then there is a mere 11.5% chance of Matter Disruptor Ray damage, which would cause an additional 62.5 HP of damage.
That is a total of 130 HP of damage, which leaves us with 12 whole HP to limp over to the after party with. And that is only if all the odds are against us.
It’s worth checking out LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles - The Phantom Clone if you’re able to get Cartoon Network, if only to see Lando’s 70’s throwback father Lindo, and the Millennium Falcon decked out like a funkified Studio 54 in space.
Here’s one of the relevant bits (09:22 if the timing doesn’t embed):
Thanks. Spacefaring days are through, except as shredded filaments of metal and organics to be picked up by wayward scrappers. Indeed, vive la resistance!
I believe these stats make Muddlin’ invulnerable to the Disruptor and leave only 15 drones to be dealt with. The maximum damage from these drones is 90, so the Muddlin’ has a 100% probability of Mission 3 Success.
(Captain Nixon, please double check math. )
Here is Azdel’s current plan for the mastered drones (skip ahead to 45 seconds)
I’ve received a request from a captain who wants the option of picking up multiple missions for the final battle and I think that sounds great. A chance for some people to really show off…
…or crash and burn.
If you aren’t out collecting oranges and choose to fight the Scylla (Mission 1, 2, or 3) you may select multiple missions to contribute to. This is a long battle and it’s conceivable that your ship would be useful in multiple phases of combat. If you go this route, please list the missions in the order that you will contribute.
Selecting 2 Missions
Risks - Existing Risks, Additional Enemy Fighters
Reward - +15+10 GRIT (in addition to both mission rewards) 100% - TWO Enemy Fighters, Each has damage range = (100-X)/4 to (100-X)/2 where X = lesser of SH & FP
100% - THREE Laser Turrets, Damage (1-8)/ea
10% - Matter Disruptor Ray, BazZZZot!! ~ Damage = 100-SH/2
Selecting 3 Missions
Risks - Existing Risks, Additional Enemy Fighters
Reward - +30+25 GRIT (in addition to both mission rewards) 100% - THREE Enemy Fighters, Each has damage range = (100-X)/4 to (100-X)/2 where X = lesser of SH & FP
100% - FIVE Laser Turrets, Damage (1-8)/ea
30% - Matter Disruptor Ray, BazZZZot!! ~ Damage = 100-SH/2
That’s awesome . I assume the missions have to proceed in order, right? As in, Mission 3 can’t proceed until mission 2 succeeds. If so, the Muddlin’ Through will stay with MIssion 3 only, so as to NOT risk the overall plan. --Falkayn