Bani Garu: FAQFQA

Clusterfuck is one of my favorite flavors.


Yes! The 80ā€™s stuff looks so crude that I kind of get annoyed that I still respond so strongly to it!
I tend to binge watch series now. So many of them are so damn samey, with tired jokes and archetypes, that a series has to be REALLY engaging for me to not quit at the first sighting of the Lolita character or the Girl with the Big Tits or the Shmendrick (dopey guy) or the Powerful Childlike Girl with Amnesia. (Which helps speed up my anime watching!)

Some anime Iā€™ve enjoyed a lot recently include Attack on Titan and Kill la Kill. I wanted VERY much to like Gunbuster 2 unabashedly, but all the gd crotch and ass shots of the main character Nono were terribly off-putting, disappointing and depressing. (Also, there was so much underdeveloped interesting stuff that was wasted!) It had some great moments (like the reappearance of Nono), but it was a mess.
I know a few people my age into anime, and a number of younger ones, too. I donā€™t go to fan clubs and havenā€™t for decades. I got thoroughly burnt out because of the idiot behavior of the anime fanboy/girl mafia and the shitty way Iā€™ve been treated at most anime cons (except Anime Iowa, which rules).


Feel like posting a top 5 retro series, top five retro movies, top five past-few-years series, and top five past-few-years movies list? heheh I know I know, Iā€™m asking a lot maybe, but Iā€™m always looking for good suggestions ā€“ or confirmation that I have good taste. :wink:

Retro series:
Urusei Yatsura
ā€¦now Iā€™m blanking!

Retro movies:
Castle of Cagliostro
Robot Carnival

In the past few years Iā€™ve liked:
Tiger and Bunny (itā€™s REALLY GOOD)
Attack on Titan
Kill la Kill

Early 2000s I liked:
Princess Tutu
Revolutionary Girl Utena

Iā€™m going to give Space Dandy a try.

Space Dandy is likely going to offend you. I like it, but itā€™s, well, pretty misogynistic. Maybe I should dislike it out of empathy, but I kind of dig it. But, well. It is what it is. Donā€™t go in expecting Bebop.

Really glad you mentioned Robot Carnival, it was one of my first exposures, and still holds up fantastically. Maybe Iā€™ll watch it tonight going to bed. :slight_smile:

Really appreciate the list. Will definitely give the ones I havenā€™t seen here a shot. :slight_smile:

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Cowboy BeBop! I liked that much!

I enjoyed Gun Sword a few years back, a well-drawn quick series that lags a little in the middle but the characters are fun.

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Thanks for the great comments this week!


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