Barilla pasta chairman tells gay people to "eat pasta from another manufacturer"

Barilla is kind of the best of the commonly available cheap supermarket pastas. But anything made in Itlay tends to be roughly comparable, particularly if its in the same price bracket. Beyond that you’re better off spending a bit more for higher quality noodles. Look for things that have been extruded through bronze dies.

Umm, this is a private, family owned company, there is no board, there is no one other than his family that is going to pressure him to do anything. The other bigwigs are his brothers.

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There are ways that he could have expressed that better if that was what he was really aiming for. He could have put it out there that he’s just not ready to take the risk of being one of the trailblazers using gays in their advertising. He could even use it as a jumping off point for discussing attitudes about orientation in advertising, the risks of being a cutting edge company versus being mainstream traditional, gender roles in the kitchen, etc. But instead he came off as your garden variety anti-gay a-hole and then when further to demonstrate his ignorance by implying that only gay people care about equal treatment for gays.

I’m straight. I don’t tend to buy Barilla, but now I’m going to make it a point to remember not to.


Gay people are actually real people who eat pasta. They aren’t a hypothetical political argument. They exist in the real world. Endorsing a candidate is strictly political.


But how you gonna confirm a woman is at the center if you don’t a man defining the periphery by circling around the kitchen but never entering it, just shouting in through the door to request food?


In addition to jumping on the “homophobia is bad” bandwagon, I’m going to add this; If you are going to say, "“if the gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta from another manufacturer,” then you should make sure you mean it. Apparently when people who disagreed with his philosophy decided to do exactly as he told them to, that was very problematic for him. Did he not see this coming? How stupid is he?


My email to them was very respectful - even used Sr. Barilla’s justification:

I would never do a meal with Barilla, not for lack of respect but because we don’t agree with you. Ours is a classic family where respect and love plays a fundamental role, including my gay sister.


Maybe this will encourage Americans to go back to eating American-made pasta like Creamette. Honestly I never understood this zeal for importing Italian pasta that seems endemic to Coastal (both East and West) culture, especially when combined with all the “locavore” rhetoric about produce.

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St Remo’s is decent. Not as good as Barilla but its cheaper at least.

What is this I don’t even.
Can you tell me if everyone really has been certainly as decided to use even with to go back?


“We just wanted to spread the news that Bertolli welcomes everyone, especially those with an empty stomach,”

Check out the great image they did:


Bertolli has posted a nice response to all this hullabaloo


Let me guess – it stays hard, thus is more difficult to cook unless first beaten.

My husband is the cook and he was offended as well. Way to offend all sorts of family dynamics on one blow, whooo weee!


Kudos to Bertolli! Their olive oil is really nice, btw.

This is one more person who will no longer buy Barilla pasta.

News flash: EVERY dry pasta does this. Being al dente is a function only of cooking time, not of which brand you buy.

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I blame my incompetence with mobile platforms and trying to be too precise in my tirade.

Can’t see what all might be confusing but … fuck this isn’t working. Apologies at any rate.

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Excellent response by Bertolli!

Am I seeing an earlier edit or something? 'cause I just can’t parse it.
No need to apologise, I was just enacting the correct memetic response protocol.

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Irrelevant side-note with topical hook: Lots of Barilla pasta isn’t imported, but made in Ames, Iowa. The same Iowa that instituted gay marriage pretty early in the game.