Barr gives DEA power to investigate people protesting George Floyd's murder

Ahem. Yep, ICE and CBP were already drafted into this War Against the Citizenry. ( Immigration agencies to assist law enforcement amid unrest - Roll Call ) So I think they’ve pretty much drafted every federal law enforcement group into this. (I mean, they dragged US Parks into it, too, thanks to the nonsense outside the White House.)

Also, reporters have spotted unidentified heavily armed paramilitary types, who wouldn’t say who they were with except that they worked for the DOJ. So that’s not ominous at all.


One of the DEA’s specialties:


That’s when you work up a paniky voice and start yelling they’re with Al Qaeda.

They won’t say who they’re with. They’re obviously terrorists.


A friend of mine thinks it’s private contractors by way of Erik Prince…


That’s just what my friend told me… We’re fucked…

But on the other hand, this is looking increasingly like a bonus army situation, so…


You take your loyal agencies and military branches and expand their remit until they eclipse and usurp the ones loyal to the state rather than the person, which you then disband or reduce to insignificance. It’s the dictator’s playbook everywhere.


CPB, ICE, and now DEA will all be merged into one org. They’ll get fancy new brown uniforms with a distinctive arm band. Can’t wait to see the new patch design they. Come up with.


perhaps they can get a fancy Paris fashion house to design the new uniforms


When you’re a fascist, anything that opposes you in a tactical manner can appropriately be referred to as an “Antifa-like tactic”.

So in this particular conflict, any form of protests against the cops, or against Trump is an “Antifa-like tactic”.


Bar calling in the DEA.


Such is life in Trumpistan.

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Hmm… maybe it IS time for that well-regulated militia.

/s (Or is it?)

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Those guys are military police, according to the black flack jacket worn by the one on the middle right.
That’s a really scary photo, all it needs are red banners hanging in front of the building with white and black icons on them…


I thought it looked like something out of a heavy-handed video game with “Tom Clancy” in the title. But no, it’s our reality.

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Doesn’t this mean that eventually, whatever work they do will be overturned on some appeal or thrown out in court the first time? I mean, if I “arrested” someone, the judge would throw it out as I’m not a cop. I would hope a good lawyer could get anything the DEA does that’s beyond their legal powers thrown out.

It’ll still cause havoc and hardship in the short term, along with ruining lives.

It would depend on what “authorize” means here.

Can congress (or a committee or just a few people) send a letter to the FAA with this authorization? Nope, just as ridiculous. (And I’m sure the point of the joke.)

Can congress, both the house and the senate pass a new law that changes the statute creating the FAA and governing what powers they have to include the power of investigating Trumps taxes? Assuming it’s signed into law or passes an override vote? Sure, totally fine. As that fundamentally changes the legal definition of what the FAA can do. It would be an absurd thing to do, but still totally fine.

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He’s just a humble vessel, walking the Jericho shuffle, wearing Jesus’s jockstrap.


This is going to require a whole new stripe color in the Fascist Fake Flag. Is brown taken already?

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Miss me with that laissez faire grab ankle bullshit.

Ah. I was wondering why there was a DEA agent in this DC roadblock a couple of blocks from the White House yesterday. I guess that explains it.