Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/27/basketball-mom-refused-to-cover-nose-with-mask-at-game-so-her-kid-and-coach-dad-got-kicked-out-of-the-league.html
Yet another child suffers because of the parents.
Asthma is a common condition that causes breathing issues.
As a lifelong asthmatic sufferer, I can tell you with complete confidence that your o2 levels are NOT
effected in the least by wearing a mask. As well, the alternate is a intubated tube placed in your airways while you gasp for oxygen will cure this type of stupid belief. Choice is yours citizens.
A family of real winners
That’s bullshit, I have asthma and I’m scared the hell out of the disease because that makes me into the high risk category. I wear a mask every-frigging-where. Not to mention I respect other lives outside my own.
If their condition would be so adversely affected by wearing a mask in public, what why the hell are they doing out in public in the first place?
My ex-wife has some asthmatic issues. She is terrified of getting Covid. There is no way someone that asthmatic they feel they can’t breath with a mask on should be out in public where they could become infected.
Mrs Peas has family lung health issues and COVID is a serious concern. I had to quarantine alone over Christmas because I was in brief contact with a positive case (never ended up getting it). If I can miss Christmas with my family, this asshole can either stay home or suck it up and mask up.
Wearing a mask in public is actually very effective in testing for assholes.
She failed.
I used to have to wear a respirator for work. It sucks to have asthma and breath with one of those on. Even more so when it is 90 degrees and you are in the sun. If I had asthma issues on those days, it wasn’t because of the mask. It was because it was 90 degrees.
Karen gonna karen.
She has a “medical condition” that exempts her from wearing a mask, but she wears a mask to the game. And in such a way it’s bound to attract attention. Disingenuous Karen.
Transparent face shields are still a thing, right?
They’re not a replacement. They can be an additional option, but they do not provide the same value as a mask when worn alone.
The worst part is that she’s going to cry about how she’s the victim, when she just fucked things up for her son. He’s going to get shit from other kids over his mom being a karen.
Had an argument with an MD who is anti-mask, for people with asthma. I pointed out that half the planet is wearing a mask at the moment, and if masks were risky, why wasn’t their a study to show that? Or at least case reports? He said it’d be unethical to subject people to that kind of research. I pointed out there were masked and unmasked countries, and asthma is extremely prevalent around the world, there are ways of measuring and grading asthma severity, so it’d be relatively easy to match people based on asthma severity and air pollution, and see if they had worse asthma in masked countries. To which he replied, essentially, harrumph.
How does anyone with MD in front of their name think like this?
How did that pharmacist still believe vaccines were dangerous?
How do these people work in something directly at odds with reality and their own reality and livelihood?
I simply can’t grasp it at all in their case.