Same goes for all those anti-maskers lying about massive plagues of pleurisy and bacterial infections being caused by mask usage. Strangely, while I can point to 400,000 US covid deaths they can’t point to any caused by masks.
There are plenty of anti-maskers in working-class and the poor. Trump’s base is the “undereducated.” Jake “QAnon Shaman” Angeli lives in his parents’ basement.
One can see some of them required to wear a mask for their job, and just as easily hear the doublethink they develop to resolve the contradiction: “mah job is one thing, the government controlling me is anuthuh.”
The point is, it’s the ones with white privilege and the time/money to put on these staged stunts who are making the most show of it, and were trying to convince people the “FTBA” was a legit organization in order to intimidate retail workers into going against mandates and basic common sense in order to have their own selfish way.
Given that the medical letter was displayed in the video, we could report the doctors to the licensing board.
If you’ve got a “condition” that precludes you wearing a mask (you don’t), then your “condition” probably dictates that you stay the fuck home.
Welp, at least a lawyer’s kids get to eat tonight.
I always wonder, in cases like this, what is the aftermath? In a few weeks or months, after the anger has subsided and she’s processed her feelings about the situation, where does she land?
I feel like it could go two ways- she realizes maybe she was wrong and quietly starts doing the right thing, or the challenge to her ego essentially radicalizes her and she starts raging about Q-a—n and 2A on her mommy blog. I hope for the former, but I suspect and fear the latter.
I’d like to hear from the other people in her life, too. Are her kids embarrassed by this behavior and constantly trying to correct her? Is there a sister or best friend who can talk to her about this? Or is she in an echo chamber of likeminded people that she’ll never escape? The US will continue down the dark road if people don’t find a way to talk to people like this and pull them back from the abyss of nonsense.
The fact that she watched her kid cry as he got pulled from the game for something he had nothing to do with, rather than put her fucking mask on, makes me think your suspicions of radicalization are more likely. What a shit person.
Good title to a book.
Sounds like the title to a sequel, but every time I try to think of what the first book would be, my mind goes into the gutter.
According to the video, the kid and dad were ejected from the league because of her violation of the parent code of conduct.
Pro-tip: Never go full Karen with the league president.
Why did they feel the need to show a photo of the child? His parents are the idiots, not him. This is definitely causing him some shit now and in the future. Poor kid.
Based on my experience with a certain family member, it’s highly path-dependent.
This family member – let’s call her “my smeptother” – doesn’t have strong feelings about political or cultural topics; all that matters to her is interpersonal relationships, and specifically, who is winning those relationships. If you tell her reusable straws are the in thing, she will enthusiastically shop for reusable straws, but if you were foolish enough to tell her off for using a disposable straw, she would cut you out of her life and launch a whisper campaign against you, because that’s simply the correct tactical response in her mind. But at some future point she might still get into using reusable straws, because that was never what mattered.
So, my instinct is that people like this won’t particularly be driven to Q, because that’s not the sort of thing that animates them. But they might well keep making a stink about masks, for as long as people (rightly) tell them off about it.
Can’t breathe through masks?
I hike and now I wear a N95 mask if there’s anyone nearby. That includes when I’m above 10,000’. I only notice the mask if it’s too warm or if I’m climbing.
If this woman’s asthma is so incredibly bad that she can’t wear a cloth over her face for 90 minutes while sitting down, then WHAT THE HELL is she doing at a public event in an indoor space in the middle of highly contagious pandemic?
I’ve got mild asthma that I maintain with two inhalers, and take a lot precautions when I venture out into the world.
Yeah, her medical issue is toxic whiteness.
I had a heart attack in October, and I go to cardiac rehab 3 days a week with a few other cardiac patients, most of whom are over 80 with cardiovascular problems. We all wear masks while riding exercise bikes, steppers, and other equipment. For an hour. Old people with heart problems can exercise for an hour while wearing a mask with no problems. I also live with someone who is over 75, is a lifetime asthmatic, and had one lobe of her right lung removed, and she doesn’t have one problem wearing a mask.
These people are the reason why we shouldn’t open the schools no matter what the CDC just said. Because their study was based on strict enforcement of mask wearing and social distancing, and there are way too many jackholes like this woman for that to ever work on a large scale. Hell, you know there are teachers who won’t wear them. And parents who will fake up some reason why their kid can’t wear a mask.
A shoutout to whomever got 13 of my postsflaggedtoday. Now that’s dedication to a craft, I think they call it Интернет Тролль английский
Hey Good Friends of BB,
I noticed once again that a person[s] is flagging all my posts.
Now as a point of reference, I took a very long hiatus from BB for this precise type of juvenile behavior. I well sure it was nooooostromo, or facsimile thereof. I truly enjoy BB, if it were with my financial grasp I would donate, and do it generously, but sadly I am just an old man retired, and funds are tight.
Thank you in advance, please look over my posts, if they offend, I will amend, but I believe they are very pedestrian in nature, never meant maliciously, and in the end always enjoy speaking to the many BB folks.
Be well and may the sunshine on you always.