Originally published at: Batman logos throughout the decades — which is your favorite? | Boing Boing
The bat nipples didn’t help. That said, the 2008 movie emblem has an appealing minimalist aesthetic. Unfortunately, once you realize it looks like something you might see on golf equipment, you can’t unsee that. You’re welcome.
My personal favorite is, of course, the 1966 comics emblem reused in BTAS. Probably because it’s the first one I saw on the 1989 movie poster. And it looks good with or without the yellow background.
The newest one looks dumb.
I remember someone (Commissioner Gordon?) muttering about the yellow Bat-logo giving the bad guys an excellent target, and Batman retorting, “That’s why that area is reinforced with extra Kevlar and armor plate. I’d rather not have them aim at my head.”
1966 then 2000
The exception is any of the logos from Batman movies from 1995 and after, which all suck.
The 1989 one is too pointy and busy (though all the tie-in merchandise used the classic 1966 yellow oval design).
And while Batman vee Superman was a terrible movie, I think it did a fine job adapting the Dark Knight Returns costume for the screen.
The 1966 is an excellent logo. The others are fine, but not really good branding. They’re like someone adopting a skull for their motif (the Phantom, Punisher, Crossbones, etc.). Too generic. That said, the 2000 version is quite nice.
Me, too. Wasn’t even close.
One year I dressed up as Batman for Halloween and made a belt buckle from that logo. I wish I still had it!
This is how you know your movie is a cash grab and not a piece of entertainment or art.
Worst. Batarang. Ever.
Someone took 2 Jeep Wrangler Hood latches and made themselves a superhero logo!
Way to upcycle, guys!
The interest alone will kill ya.
I do like that the expiration date is forever though.
I don’t remember the feet on the first Keaton Batman (I had a T-shirt at the time, but probably not legit and probably based on the '66 logo, which it looks like they returned to for the second Keaton film). But I like the feet.
I like the 2008 for working backwards from the “batarang”.
I dislike the “fat bat”.
Gothcard, super dark, suuuuper edgy.
1986 and 1987 are just plain ugly.
I liked the batman from the 60s because it was silly, but for the life of me I cannot understand the public’s fascination with batman.
I liked that but that art is so so so so so so fugly.