📌 BBS Style Manual!

@codinghorror seems to be going “you are trying to document our undocumented API, so we’re going to pull the API, and get Rob to DMCA your asses.”


@othermichael, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join @codinghorror, and he will complete your training. With your combined strength, you can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the BBS.


Is this where I confess that would be a dream job?


This what is what actually happens when chased by a unicorn. :unicorn:


this may be a chance to listen to your users and practice your empathy. Also, maybe not on either account.


So, how do you do polls?




####On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = you wouldn’t care at all , and 5 = you’d be really, really depressed and mope for a long time making everyone around you miserable, how upset would you be if [size] was removed?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

0 voters

hmm, someone should file a feature for the polls having a pain assessment mode like:


We all know


doesn’t matter.


That one’s really difficult with only two options. It’s a gif Sophie’s Choice.


Frimtam baralsh codinghorror dos furom tiktaliken?

  • Sketalk! :thumbsdown:
  • Fretolsh bararibad. :raised_hand:
  • Derispad barraltik. :punch:

0 voters



First they came for Comic Sans…


That’s a feature, not a bug. What are you, some sort of obsessive compulsive?


So if that’s what you’d like people to use as the authoritative source, why on earth aren’t you linking to it as part of the UI when entering posts?

I could tell this was using some Markdown variant, but it was virtually impossible to tell from the supported codes which of the zillion variants on Markdown it was and what additional codes were supported.


I’ve told you a million times to stop exaggerating!

The markdown for headings is the same as it has been for the last decade, and works identically everywhere.

The reason we don’t necessarily bug everyone about how to make headings is because 99.9999% of the time when composing a post, you don’t need headings.

That said, every new user gets a link to http://commonmark.org/help in the welcome PM every new user receives that explains the formatting options. Here’s a screenshot of the relevant section taken from the PM inbox of a new user who joined meta.discourse.org 27 minutes ago:

To be fair though that page just started existing in January 2016. Takes some time to build stuff in a general way, I guess.

Anyway, BBCode size was never supposed to be supported, and now it isn’t. Do note the date on that post: August 2014.


Personally, speaking as a professional software developer, I find that response unprofessional.

But beyond the verbal response itself, immediately executing it as a kneejerk change to the production system, as you apparently did in the last 10 minutes, strikes me personally as being very unprofessional and poorly considered behavior.

I am intentionally posting this publicly, not as a private message, because somebody needs to say this is not good practice and this is not a model for how developers should interact with the users of their software. The reality is that people have built a vibrant, enjoyable, and supportive community out of their interactions here, and a great deal of that has been built on playfulness. Coming in and kicking the tools out of their hands can’t do anything positive to that.

I hope you’ll take a deep breath, step back, and reverse out that change. That would be a good way to start engaging with how people are actually using this software and honestly look at how it differs from whatever your ideas were about how people would use it.

But hey, it’s your call. If you’d prefer you can always flag this post or ban criticism instead. I’m sure that will make everybody happy.


It was never supposed to be supported. Here’s a screenshot with the relevant information and date highlighted:

(the edit I made was to replace the old superuser.com markdown reference with the official commonmark.org one)

Also as a point of reference, there were literally 26 different CSS style rules to “support” bbcode sizing. .bb-code-size-10, .bbcode-size-11, etc. It was a nasty hack that was never supposed to exist.


I’m not sure why now you’re focused exclusively on headings. But in fact, the software does put a control for how to enter headings right there in the edit box UI. Click on reply, look at the toolbar. See the big “A”? That does heading markup.

Heading markup is standard Markdown. A lot of the other codes ToT started cataloging in this topic are not, which was my point.

It seems as though this whole topic for some reason is pushing a bunch of emotional buttons for you; you appear to be responding only to fragments of what people say and missing or ignoring their bigger points. I’m going to take a voluntary timeout for several hours so I don’t get even pissier about it. Maybe you should consider doing that too, and consider whether this area is emotionally charged and why?


As a side note, we do have a plugin that adds more BBCode support such as [color] if that’s needed. We can certainly extend that to add [size] support as well.

These things were never intended to be supported – and that’s what is shown in the August 2014 post – as they don’t have parity with Markdown, and Markdown is the primary formatting language. We wanted only rough analogs for features that exist in Markdown and HTML and BBCode to work the same way, for example:

This is **bold**.
This is <b>bold</b>.
This is [b]bold[/b].

Which is the example included in every welcome PM to every new user, along with a link to http://commonmark.org/help

(caveat being, that /help page only started existing in Jan 2016)