BBS Thread/Topic trigger warnings

well… what about someone’s opinion of the rightness of their behaviour?

Oftentimes people will relate points of logic or order to their personal experience, how it had affected them, situations in which they find themselves to have found some particular idea to have been played out in behaviour. How does that relate to more perfect ways of discussing subjects?

Ideally, perhaps platonically, we should be able to discuss points of philosophy without drawing in others to personal places, but I find that kind of conversation to be extremely dry and, whilst it can be riveting, lacking in humanity.

The problem of the community is the people in’t. We all take a great deal of value from interacting with the other personalities here and sometimes that, unfortunately, means arguments which do not hold to any kind of ideal of conversation. But sometimes that’s ok. You get to know the people and ultimately draw very complex models and attribute complex motivations to them.

Some of the best interactions I’ve had on this board have started in a very bad place, and proceeded to get better. Sometimes that takes the form of a private message where you hash out the problem, especially if you’ve been warned about conduct in an open topic, and sometimes the heat thrown at you forces you to concentrate on healing the divide for all to see.

Ultimately, I like to think that I have good intentions, but if I didn’t have the leeway to make mistakes, I would not have come as far as I think I have.


None of my business. People are free to be factually incorrect. If they wish to WIN a conversation, they should probably call it an argument. If they want to share and be shared with, they can behave that way in conversation.

What they cannot do is tell someoen how that person feels and then be shocked when they start a fight, as that’s a surefire way to start one - or to cause your apparent opponent to leave.

Personalization is a terrible defense mechanism, is all.

When that same person recgnizes and then extends the courtesy they accept, i think.

Maybe. But I posit that drawing me to a place where I explain my philosophy, which is disagred with is different from drawing me to a plce where I explain my philosophy and am treated badly for holding a belife.

Case in point. - I find a comment offends me and I say so, and why. And my “why” is what is responded to. Almost like someone else is ignoring point one and two to focus on what they KNOW how to move, someone elses ego relative to their own. And that ends the ‘co’ in conversation.

Makes it a masturabtory monologue where the needs of the other are reduced to an object equal to any other conception internal or external. It’s really rude behavior no matter the opinion that may have led to it. Yeah?

Oh if you had known me in my first weeks here… Maybe there is hope. Would I try if there were no hope???

I do too, and your behavior consitently validates my belief in your good faith.


Interesting. We can check for

Hey new user, what percentage of the topic did you read?


Hey new user, how much time did you spend reading the topic (or even individual posts, sort of)

But if someone is hell bent on reading a bit, then grabbing a sentence of a single post out of context or regurgitating talking points rather than taking a nuanced position or considering the specifics… that’s kind of impossible to stop. Talking Points Gonna Reiterate.

Yes, we have on our list a “get a room” alert when two people respond to each other over and over. I do think that’s a safe thing to warn someone about the next time they press the Reply button.

Interesting, this makes me think of something I hadn’t considered, an automated staff Public Service Announcement in a topic when there are a lot of new users suddenly posting might do well here… e.g. a post “on behalf” of Falcor et al that just says “Hey, it’s getting hot in here. Please be sure to keep it civil.” I like this idea a lot actually. @falcor @beschizza what do you think?

Already exists, new users names are in light grey, dim, as in “ghostly”, not quite there yet.


I have had people flag and type that reason in before. I think it’s a great idea.


See this is why some threads SHOULD be open for more than 5 days, sometimes it takes a while for people to get back into it and come up with a good idea :grin:


As long as the moderator is pinged at the same time as the auto notice is posted AND responds to it. otherwise it’ll just become noise


Bloody hell! Two “suggestionny” posts by me that have had hearts from @codinghorror in the space of a matter of hours… something odd is going on



I noticed that, really nice. Not as obvious as maybe it could be if we are tryng to identify new users in a “do not tailgate: student driver” sense. Or even a ‘hey look, new mutant, be extra welcoming’ sense.

But I do like it, and I do appreciate it.


That blackheart liked something? :wink:


You were thinking maybe something along the lines of this?


more like this:

or even


It’s people could easily CSS up something more obvious than a faded name for new users if it is deemed necessary. Using CSS ::after you can also add unicode characters…


You mean in a ‘that’s a thing I can totally do myself’ sort of way?

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Potentially, or the Shadowy Powers That Be could decide they want new users called out more visually.


Can’t we just force them to go by junior for their first few days on the site? For example: “TailOfTruth jr.


I feel like I have read about them somewhere.


Oh I like this, more ideas in the same vein

  • Lil’ TailOfTruth
  • TailOfTruth, maybe
  • TOT** (for the disemvowelling fans)
  • tailoftruth

Oh my god that is amazing… I might actually have to change my IRL name to that now.