Beautiful photo: Tree "oasis" in a farmer's field

A lovely entry in Smithsonian’s ongoing 2013 Photo Contest, Emma Stephenson’s “Perfect Tree in a Farmer’s Field” photographed in the North Yorkshire countryside, England. READ THE REST

IDK why, but I like to think that tree was planted on someone’s grave.

Kudos to whoever decided to keep the tree.

They used to leave a tree as a marker for property lines or when multiple farmers were on the same large piece of open ground. With GPS I doubt they do this anymore. I was told in the old days it also provided a shaded spot to eat lunch in the middle of the work day.

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Check out this bird pic on the site!

That’s incredible!

Totally looks like an Audubon painting. Amazing. Thanks for pointing it out.

Looks like the crystalline entity is a picky eater…


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