Before school shooting in Nashville, shooter warned a friend, who tried to warn police — but was ignored

We in the US have been living in a democracy with some fascists in it this whole time I have been alive already… coexisting. And yes there are other options and I think they are better options so we should prioritize them.


Yes, if you have done even a cursory glance at the many threads here, you’d know that we’re all well aware of what’s happening.

But what does that have to do with this shooter killing 3 9 year olds?


3 children were killed with semi-automatic rifles that were legally justified by fascists and theocrats in the supreme court, congress, and state government. If we didn’t share a country with these people we would have laws in place to prevent child massacres. American fascists cling to their guns for cultural and historic reasons. When American fascists prevent non-white, non-theocrats, and non-fascists possess guns then full fascism will be in place.

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Civil war is not the answer. It is, in fact, what they want. So, how about we not give it to them.


So what is it now, just Sparkling Oppression ?


A trap half closed.

“Fascism will have arrived when the fascists take away from us the guns that the fascists enabled us to possess, which should be banned but which we need to defend ourselves from the fascists.”



you seem to assume that either the borders would somehow stop the shootings from happening in “their” territory, or if the shootings are outside “our” borders they somehow don’t count.

the only thing that will stop these kinds of killings is getting rid of the guns. why abandon people, and say sorry y’all, good luck with all the death.

our county’s laws have caused this. shouldn’t we fix those laws to stop this? for everyone?


Jason Sudeikis Yes GIF by Apple TV+


What are you, a… no, I’m cool with that, actually :+1:


Fascism didn’t end in Italy because they killed everyone who had sided with the fascists.

I fucking hate these people and I want to see their movement die an ignominious death but finding some path toward peaceful co-existence with many of the individuals who are currently in the movement is necessary if we want to continue existing as a society.


Colin Jost Shrug GIF by Saturday Night Live


One reason fascists want so many guns in society is to bread chaos and distrust. It is in their playbook.

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I’ll be honest with you. Literally the only people I hear language like this from are people who actually ideate fascism when confronted with fear.


And you don’t see how taking the position “coexistence with these people is impossible, we must crush them or split the country” contributes to that environment of chaos and mistrust?


To be honest, I’m fed up.

In other words “I’m mad as hell, and I’m ready to give the fascists exactly what they want!”


I submit to you that if this government can not secure our basic human rights and safety perhaps we should start over.

Yeah, because piles of dead bodies is EXACTLY how the change things… /s


Probably time to take a break from the internet and news. Do something affirming. Talk to some people you care about. The entire country isn’t shit. Go find the nice stuff.
Once you’re centered, choose something to do that can help. I get being fed up, but that isn’t a reason to advocate for burning it all down